Glass No Mo' ...

Lacambra vs. Glass et al

Yesterday’s hearing had two divergent outcomes. Judge Banks concluded that facts sufficient to state a case against William Glass, CPA was not made by my pleadings. On the other hand, a Trial Date was set for April 13, 2008 leaving all of the other Defendants to this action as parties. This changes the complexion of the case entirely. On my First Amended Complaint, I used the following verbiage on my Preliminary Statement:

An old saying goes that, “In a lawsuit, the Defendant and Plaintiff are both, by their own choosing, each pulling on the tail and the horn of a cow in the opposite direction while the lawyers are underneath milking the cow”. In the hands of an unscrupulous Certified Public Accountant, you are likely to have all of the above plus the potential ruinous occasion of having the IRS, Franchise Tax Board, your mortgage company, a slew of creditors, your mother and brothers after you as well.

At least for now, the Certified Public Accountant (William Glass) was let off the hook – temporarily. My discoveries will now continue in earnest and will include forensic accounting work. If there were improprieties that are subject to relief, I will not hesitate to add him back as a Defendant. I failed to provide hard proof to the court only because I have yet to serve him a request for production of documents, which I will now have to direct to the other parties.

My preliminary statement is proving to be prescient, however. Now, completely enmeshed in this action is an attorney who I’ve alleged to have strategized to conduct a protracted and costly action on the belief that my lack of resources will cause me to capitulate. That was a gross and an unfortunate miscalculation. There are a lot of people and institutions interested in seeing injustices righted in this world. Some have expressed a willingness to assist me in my fight. Neverthess, this is proving to be an expensive affair. Hang on to your wallets. It gives new meaning to the tagline “Got Milk?”.