A Federal Case ...

I’ve been looking for the right case to crossover to the Federal Courts. It seems I was handed the opportunity to do just that. Just today in the opposition papers served to me by Susan Angell, my brother’s attorney, she included a letter from the lawyers of First Team Realty stating that they did not receive the “First Amended Complaint” and certain other documents. In it, Attorney Angell also claims that she did not receive papers that were mailed to her. Sounds suspiciously like another hare brained scheme to me – a connivance.

It so happens that the person who signed my “Proof of Service” is intimately knowledgeable of the court system and is actually trying two cases in the Federal Court representing himself – one against the Sheriff’s Department and another against the State of California and the State Bar Association. As soon as I saw him (Felix), we had a little meeting and I inquired about putting together a case against these attorneys for violating my civil rights. With a smile, he pointed out that they are indeed ministers of the court and are subject of Federal Laws as a matter of jurisdiction.

So, there we have it, my first case in the Federal Courts will be against attorneys. From what I have observed, there are differences in the procedures of the respective courts. It has always been said that the Federal Courts have more resources and a better system. However, I hear that the states pattern their rules after the Federal System but there are differences nonetheless. One example, for instance, in the State Courts a “Proof of Service” has to be signed by a person other than parties to the lawsuit. In Federal Courts, the person representing himself or herself can sign an attestation saying that the papers were mailed. Another difference is, in the Federal Court, the parties are allowed to forego a transcribed deposition and just take a videotape of the deposition. I have already opted to do that because I haven’t the money for a court reporter. I can’t wait to put their faces on my videocam and flash their mugs on "YouTube" while answering questions that I have designed specifically to uncover their lies. Off course, they will fight tooth and nail to seal that and prevent it from getting published. But that makes it an interesting “First Amendment Argument”. If they have yet to figure out that I have got some gumption, they have got to pay attention.

I call this a first class education, baby!