RJ is now on Facebook

From the very beginning, we wanted to find the best way to open up our blog to comments. We looked at all sorts of ideas including having the option of readers commenting directly on the blog page. However, because we wanted to maintain an uncluttered look, we decided against that option. But finally, after a worthwhile search, we decided to create a Facebook Page for Robert’s Justice.

Facebook is one of the most popular networking tools available today. We want to make sure that both sides of any issue that Robert’s Justice advocates for or against is open to opposing views and arguments. I encourage even our opposition, legal or otherwise, to any and all lawsuits or actions we are engaged in, to participate in our network. Just because we may be opponents today doesn’t mean that we cannot be friends in the future. We want even our opponents to be our fans. 

To participate, you will have to establish a Facebook account. If you are already a member of Facebook, we would be grateful if you could invite your friends, colleagues and family to become a part of our network. If not, at least view the Facebook site and see its many benefits.

All the best,
The RJ Staff