Rich & Nina (14th May 2009)

It was Sunday and the Bean Cafe was already closed. Fortunately, I was able to purchase a cup of my favorite – the Literary Latte – that is meant to scramble and rearrange the mind of a budding writer struggling with those annoying writer’s block moments. I took a table vacated by a group of ladies who had left a woman’s magazine on a chair. I opened the magazine as I’ve often wondered what women talk about when they are among themselves and settled on an article that asked “How do you keep the love burning when the checkbook is in the red?" It was a treatise of things I already know, a compendium of financial common sense tips that is rarely followed. In the end it just says, "Never get in the situation in the first place". I was getting to the part that talked about “How to save money without even trying (The lazy person's way to riches)?” when a black tinted van rigged for some serious adventure boisterously rolled into the parking lot. There were all sorts of toys hanging out of it – an ocean kayak, mountain bike, spare gas cans, a spare tire, and all sorts of lights on the roof that faced in every direction.

A ball of dust followed the van and settled as it parked a few spaces from where I was. The sun was already starting to set and darkness was descending that I couldn’t see the driver’s face. All that could be heard was the engine of the van idling. Minutes passed and there was nothing – not even a tiny movement in the van. I looked down to resume my reading. I was already on the last few sentences of the article and was completely riveted when all of a sudden, a man appeared with his face painted – shouting at me, blowing air, sticking his tongue out and making a commotion. One moment I was reading an article and the next thing I know I was looking at something like this.


It caught me by surprise. He came at me so fast that the only reaction I could muster was a quick slip under the table like a super-fast forward version of an earthquake drill. He was running back and forth screaming. And from my vantage point, I saw the face-painted man doing what I recognized to be a Maori Haka War Dance.


And just as quick as quick as it started, it ended. Then, he walked over and looked under the table where his face was within inches to mine and said, “Dude, it’s me.” Only then did I recognize him. "Holy Moly Rich, you almost gave me a heart attack.” I finally was able to pull myself up to a seat. “What the hell was that, Rich?”, I asked. “That was a Haka”, he replied. It’s something that I’ll do to let people know not to mess with my Nina. Did you see my crazy eyes? Was it intimidating? Did you notice that my tongue was sticking out?


“Oh yeah, I almost made a mess over here. But tell me, what in the world are you trying to do.” I asked. “It’s funny that you should mention the world. I’m preparing for our first trip together and I had to make sure that I was prepared. Off course, she doesn't know about this yet. She hasn't even heard of my plans yet. But, I always have to be prepared. I’ve been working out like a man on a mission that there is nothing I will not be able to do, especially when I have my Nina with me. There is nothing she and I cannot do. We will do everything together.

He gave me his IPhone and said, “Press play. It will explain to you where I want to take her." Where we find the Maori Haka is also one of the most beautiful places on earth – only fitting for my beautiful Nina. I want to take her to a place where she may find a love that is pure.