A Dershowitz quote

I've been reading "The Best Defense" by Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz and found an interesting quote that mirrors my feelings about many of the Superior Court judges.
It is amazing how many judges - especially, but not exclusively, state judges - lack the basic intelligence to understand a moderately complex legal argument. Some are just plain stupid; others lack the necessary legal education; still others are lazy or impatient. (Alan Dershowitz, Professor - Harvard Law School)
I have started preparing my case against the Superior Court of the State of California and will file it in the US Court, also known as the federal courts. My action will allege, among other things, prejudice and bias towards the self-represented litigator. With a degree of certainty, the above elements, in one form or another, were present to create the results that the judges will have to answer to. It will be a long and difficult fight considering my resources, but nevertheless a fight worth waging.