Rachauckas: We don't have Omerta!

“Omertà” is the code of honor popular in Southern Italy – in cities like Sicily, Calabria and Campania - where the Mafia once flourished. "Omertà" implies “the categorical prohibition of cooperation with state authorities or reliance on its services, even when one has been victim of a crime. It is often called the “Code of Silence”.

Tony Rackauckas is the District Attorney for the County of Orange, California. Recently, the DA’s Office was criticized after a case against Deputy Christopher Hibbs was destroyed by the defense during trial. Deputy Hibbs was on trial for using a taser a second time to extract the name of the suspect while in custody. In a 45 minute expose, the prosecution explained that the case was demolished after officers invoked the Mafia-esque "Code of Silence".

Fugetaboutit! Let the boys speak, Don Tony.