Discoveries begin on Sheriff's case

I went to the District Attorney’s (DA) Office in Santa Ana this afternoon to serve my first set of discoveries. All actions for or against the County of Orange, specifically the Sheriff's Department is handled by the DA's Office. Because the matter is being heard in the Superior Court, I cannot serve the documents myself. It has to be served by another individual of legal age and not a party to the lawsuit. For that purpose, I was accompanied by my friend Jim who served the document packet on the DA which included a “Request for Production of Documents and Things” as well as a “Request for Admissions”.

The procedures for Traffic Court varies widely from Civil Procedures that I was very apprehensive. A text on procedures for traffic court could not be found so I relied on Constitutional Law that guarantees my right to information from my accusers. I have a feeling the DA’s Office has never seen anything like this from a self-represented party before because I requested for the Psychological Profile, Performance and Disciplinary Records and other information from the citing deputies. I expect some sort of opposition from their office. There is a distinct chance that they might even ignore my request. This should be interesting.