Do you feel lucky, Punk?

Napoleon once said, “Do not be so affixed to your goal that you are not able to see what is in front of you”.
The incident of a few days ago – the Assault in Laguna Niguel – required a major revision of my plans. I had already committed to run the “Rock & Roll Marathon” at the end of this month. But, in all honesty, I have woefully under-trained for that event. When I first made the plans to run the marathon I also predicted that I would be living in a house by now. There are many things you have to do when you are preparing for a marathon including training hard, having proper nutrition and recovering from your work-outs. The last 14 miler I did, I stopped so many times that I can tell there is simply no way that I could do a marathon under 5 hours. Living in a car has many disadvantages and critically essential to marathon training is a good cycle of sleep, rest/recovery and nutrition. Road Housing means that you have no bed in which to sleep in. I’ve tried sleeping in the car during the middle of the day and found the task impossible. It is bright and noisy at just about any parking lot during the day. Furthermore, because you don’t have a refrigerator, you are at the mercy of fast food restaurants. I can’t remember the last time I had a fresh plate of homemade pasta. So the goal of doing 26.2 miles will have to be pushed back towards the end of the year, if at all. To take it’s place will be another and arguably more audacious goal.
The new goal is to train for and defeat the assailant, Matthew, in a 4-round boxing match. Training for a fight will require that I taper on my runs to no more than 4 miles. Also, I’ll have to bring my weight up a little bit. Based on the pictures of the Mathew, he will probably have a problem getting down to my ideal fighting weight of less than 140 pounds. So, I’ve decided to fight him at Welterweight, which is between 140-147 lbs. just so I can take away all his excuses. It will be 4-rounds “Las Vegas Rules” with 3 knock down rule in effect. The venue will be decided at a later date.
That’s how you take care of punks like this guy. You call them out in a very public way. Street fights usually ends with the fight either being broken up or, like in his case, someone runs away. I want to see what this guy is made of. There is no better way to do that than to put him under the hot lights of a boxing ring. You either have it or you don’t. Just because he picked the wrong guy to mess with, he’ll have a criminal trial, a civil trial and a boxing fight to defend against. He’s surely now realizing that was a real stupid mistake.
You can run but you can’t hide, Punk!