A last minute decision was made to forgo the current action and refile the case against LAWYER SUE in the Federal Court. The Santa Ana Court had given ROBERT 10 days leave to amend his First Amended Complaint (FAC), which he did not comply with. Upon a motion by LAWYER SUE or ROBERT, the court will certainly grant a dismissal of the action.

As mentioned previously, ROBERT will file an action against the Superior Court of California specifically naming 5 judges to account for bias and prejudice. The action will invoke elements of 42 USC Section 1983 (Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights) including the 14th Amendment (Equal Protection of the Law). Furthermore, he will seek the US Court to provide a tri-panel of judges to preside over this action.

As a precursor, ROBERT, in association with FELIX TORRES will be deposing members of the CA BAR ASSOCIATION on the 10th of April 2009 at a location that could only be described as unconventional. This is part of the discoveries being conducted for the case entitled Torres v. CA Bar Association already filed in the US Court. Because of limited resources, the deposition for the Torres case will be held outdoors. It was mentioned that FELIX requested for the Defendants to bring a pair of sunglasses and sun tan lotion because the location is expected to be hot and sunny.

ROBERT is participating in the deposition as part of his informal discoveries. The new action that he is preparing will include the CA Bar Association as Defendants together with Shea Properties and Gary Gough, Esq. (THE DEVILS) .

Stay tuned.