Rich & Nina (14th March 2009)

We were at the usual hangout – the Bean Cafe. We had just gotten our cup of java when he began to tell me about his latest and greatest project. “I am trying to practice my sales pitch”, he said. “Why? Do you have a new job? What are you selling?, I asked. “I am selling the most amazing product that my beautiful Nina will ever need in her life. I call it the N.I.R. – the New and Improved Rich”, he said with a big infectious smile.

“I’ve been studying the “Masters of Selling” the last month and have distilled a number of concepts that I will use to make Nina finally mine. For instance, I learned that when asking a woman out, it is best to use what the Masters call the “subordinate question”. This is when you give her two options to pick from and both were actually what you had already chosen. You don’t want to ask – do you want to go to the movies with me? It’s a weak question because she can say no. You don’t want to be that guy at a high school dance who got turned down by a girl, the one being laughed at by the other boys as you are walking back. The best approach is to ask something like, Hey, I just bought a brand new DVD player, which would you enjoy watching better, Notebook or Titanic? That’s the simplified question. Off course I have to make it sound smoother. I call it the Rich Approach and it goes like this, Hey gorgeous, I know exactly what you should be watching with those beautiful eyes of yours. I just bought a really nice DVD player imported from Japan. Which of the two movies would you like to watch, the Notebook or Titanic. And then you follow up with – Oh by the way, because this is the longer director’s cut version, do you have butter on your popcorn or is caramel better? See what I mean? She has to decide between the Notebook and Titanic; Butter or Caramel. I didn’t give her a chance to say no.”

“Wow!, “That explains a lot of things – all those rejections when I was in college. But do continue”, I said. “Oh, and another useful technique that the Masters of Selling use is called the “Inducement”. It goes something like this. I’m actually flying to Europe in a week and won’t be back for at least a couple, I have to tie up some deals with financiers and bankers in London. Before I go, I just want to spend time with the most beautiful woman in the world. Not only do you compliment her but you also give her a sense of urgency. And then, like a salesman, you ask for the order. When you say this, you don’t want to give her the impression that you are asking for her permission but rather you are telling her that it’s a done deal. You say, “I will have my chauffer pick you up at 7PM”.

“How does that translate to your situation? I know you’re not flying to Europe and most of all you don’t have a chauffer because I know you don’t even have a reliable car?”, I asked. “That’s a good question”, he replied. “Visualization is a big part of selling. You have to envision the sales event before you can actually create it. I don’t plan to stay in this condition forever. One day I will be filthy rich. So, in my present scenario, how do I ask Nina to be my girl? Well, after the movies and the popcorn she’ll probably be in a good mood. So, I’ll take her by the hand and tell her this, “Nina, baby, you know I love you. I just want one day of your life for myself. If I do a great job, then I ask that you extend it to the next. Every day I do a good job loving you, we extend it another day, so on and so forth. There are no contracts here”. What she doesn’t know is if she gives me one day, I’ll really work my ass off everyday. You know she’s never going to give me up, right? That way, I can spend the rest of my life with my Nina, he proclaimed with another big smile. “That sounds great but what do the Masters call this pitch?” Oh, it’s called the “money back guarantee approach”. You give her a scenario where she never loses anything. You let her know that her satisfaction is guaranteed”, he replied.

Women have been the greatest source of strength for great men. Just to impress them great men of history have done incredible things for humanity. He may not sound like it when he speaks. Sometimes, it’s easy not to take him seriously. But I have a very deep feeling that Nina is that one person that can change everything for him and I think he knows it, feels it and believes it. That explains the passion in his eyes when he speaks of his Nina. In a way it’s like watching a Grandmaster of Love at work. There isn’t an ounce of doubt at all in my mind that he will change the world some way, some how - in his own very unique and special way. And whatever form it may turn out to be, I wish nothing more than for it to be Rich’s Way.