Hobo Dream House

Victor Hugo once said, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. The recent spate of unemployment and homelessness may have been the inspiration for Justin Gargasz’ multi-use parka. Cleverly designed, the jacket unfolds into a tent ready for use anywhere. When not in use, the parka and tent combo easily returns to its original form - a thoughtfully designed and stylish jacket.
Protection from the elements is one of the biggest challenges faced by a hobo. The colder the locale the thicker the clothing must be, creating a difficult compromise between having warmth for the price of bulky weight. Because they generally have no place to store things like blankets and beddings, hiding things becomes problematic. This is how the name “bag lady” came about which describes a lady who needs to carry everything she owns with her - usually in bags. For now, the problem of clothing and temporary shelter may have been solved. Judging from the way the jacket looks, any hobo who wears one may actually pass for anything else except a hobo.