Judge Banks: Show up at court

In an interesting twist, Judge Banks of the OC Superior Court (Central Justice Center) did not post a tentative ruling on the matter of Lacambra vs Glass scheduled for March 20, 2009 at 1:30PM. Defendant Susan Angell (LAWYER SUE), the moving party, demurred on ROBERT’S First Amended Complaint and was opposed accordingly. Tentative rulings are usually posted on the OC Court website the day before the “Law and Motion” hearing. The website merely said “NO TENTATIVE WILL BE POSTED”. This may indicate an unresolved issue that the court and the parties will have to settle by “oral argument”. 

So, for now, LAWYER SUE lives for yet another day. Fighting for her professional life, she may have to see the first steps of her banishment from the legal profession performed at “Halls of Justice” tomorrow when the judge  rules in ROBERT'S favor allowing the case to proceed. That would be altogether appropriate. Otherwise, she will have to face another battle in the US Courts where the fight will continue. Asked to comment on the court posting, ROBERT said, "Ideally, I’d like to see her demurrer overruled and then transfer the case from the Superior Court to the Federal Court instead of starting from scratch."