April Fool's Joke - A Foreclosure?

It is no joke. The property that has been the subject of the Lacambra vs Glass et al action is finally being sold by “Trustee Sale” on April 1, 2009. My Mom gave me the documents early this week after she got back from an out of town business trip. A follow-up conversation yesterday revealed a last minute deal that was apparently struck by the Listing Agent moving the “Trustee Sale” to a future date. This has yet to be confirmed.

For the benefit of our readers, I have uploaded the actual documents that were given to my mother – the Notice of Trustee Sale and the Published Notice. I’ve also included the listing information published by the Realtor.

Against better judgment, my brother and his wife chose “First Team Realty” as their listing agent. This is the same company that I have labeled the “Unprofessionals” and are now subjects of an upcoming action in the US Courts. There is one word for this – psychosis. There is someone who is a little neurotic in the opposition’s camp, to be sure. 

Well, all I have to say is that the house had better not be sold because their descendants will talk about me for generations to come. They will ask themselves, “All this hardship, because of a three bedroom house? Our ancestors weren’t really that smart were they?”

No, they weren’t.