The Brokest Generation

First there was the Greatest Generation; who gave birth to the Boomer Generation; who gave birth to the X Generation; who gave birth to the Y Generation. Now, there is a question about what to call this generation. As of yesterday the National Public Debt of the USA stood at about $10.9 Trillion - $10,994.926.674,703.70 to be exact. The USA has an estimated population of 305,821,900 meaning that each citizen now has a bill of $35,952.06 representing their portion of the national debt. According to Mark Steyn of the OC Register, this new generation being saddled with this debt should really be called the “Brokest Generation”.
In the article, Steyn asks irreverent and yet poignant questions like:
  • Isn’t it terrific to stick it to the young?
  • Why the hell did you old coots do this to us?
  • Do you think you could advance me a couple of trillion to tide me over?