ROBERT assaulted in Laguna Niguel

It must be the Nikon camera. Whenever I have it with me, there is something interesting that happens requiring me to pull it out and just start shooting.

Saturday is Mom’s Day. I usually come by her house to visit and while there, I usually wash my cloths and if I have the time take a shower. Because of my recently suspended license, compliments of the Child Support Services, I had to walk from where my car is parked to her home about 35 minutes away carrying a duffel bag full of dirty clothing. It was the usual routine and in about three hours I was back on the road walking. I had my bag on my back slung like a backpack.

I was on the left sidewalk and was 10 minutes into my walk when I noticed another person probably in his 20’s cross the street and headed directly towards me. I’ve never met him and have never seen him around the area in the many years that I’ve ran that route on my training runs. He stood in front of me blocking my way and in a menacing way said “Are you sizing me up? Are you sizing me up?”. “What are you talking about?”, I replied to which he said, “Yeah that’s right walk away. Walk away you faggot!” Who’s the faggot, I asked him. He was about a few steps behind me at this point when he turned around and started swinging at me. I turned around to try to get rid of my bag, which I had slung around both shoulders. I was so weighted down that I tried to wrestle shoot for his legs and missed, scraping both my hands and knee on the asphalt. He maybe threw 7 or 8 punches and connected a few times hitting me on my forehead and on my left cheek. And then, he just started running away.

I took off after him and stopped a car and asked the man driving to call the Sheriff’s Department. I was on a major road and couldn’t find a safe place to leave my bag. Most of the money I had was in it, including my camera. I kept looking for a place that could conceal my bag beside the road so I can start sprinting but couldn’t find one. The chase wasn’t even into the second minute when he decided to turn into a street. That was when I stopped another car and asked the driver to call the Sheriff’s Department again to inform them that the chase had turned into that street.

By this time, he was already a distance from me and he entered a neighborhood to try to disappear. He even took off his green shirt to try to change his appearance. Finally, I lost him but continued in the direction I last saw him. It wasn’t very long when a Sheriff’s Deputy rolled by and upon seeing me she stopped and asked me some questions. She was particularly interested in the description of the assailant. She then asked me to sit by the side of the road and wait for her. She followed another Deputy in her squad car that had already entered the community.

A few minutes passed when another Deputy picked me up and drove me to where he was apprehended. By the time we arrived, he was in the squad car and had already spit on the officers and kicked out the glass of the squad car’s side window. I was sitting in the back of the Squad Car when I took the footage. The summarized version was the result of not having a chance to sit down and go through the sequence of events as I have on this entry. It is very raw and occurred a few minutes after the chase. I apologize in advance for the footage as it includes language that may be offensive to some people.

I overheard a Deputy call him Matt, which I now assume is his first name. One of the Deputies also said that he might be mentally deranged after kicking out the window of the squad car and spitting at the officers. Depending on the medical report, we'll see how to proceed in the future. Round Two is likely coming up for this punk - ROBERT v. MATT.