3 Tickets equals 1 Federal Case

Yesterday morning was spent at the Harbor Justice Center Court in Laguna Hills. I appeared for a couple of traffic tickets. So far, I’ve accumulated three traffic citations (none of which were moving violations) – three counts for expired registration and one count for proof of insurance. I’ve been in an interesting situation since late last year. I have the pink slip to the car but was missing the signature of the previous owner, my friend Jefferson that conveyed the transfer of the vehicle into my name. A few months back, he told me that he was going abroad and that appears to be the reason why I can’t reach him. So, currently, the car ownership is in limbo.

I appeared in front of Commissioner M.J. Flynn and asked for a continuance. He continued the case until the 6th of May, 2009 when I will have to plead – usually guilty or not guilty. I have another plan, however. I’ll actually file a Federal Case against the Sheriff’s Department and allege that the inability to pay for my registration was proximately, if not directly caused by the Sheriff Departments indifference to a “Criminal Complaint” that I had filed in their office specifically requesting an investigation of violations of three Penal Codes by Susan L. Angell, Esq., Wilbert Lacambra and Agnes Lacambra. The lack of action on their part has prolonged my indigence/Homelessness and difficult financial circumstances.

The amazing thing about this situation is that it is actually financially feasible for a person in my situation to fight them in court. It will cost several hundreds of dollars for me to settle this case, which I do not have. But, I could have them face the question of whether or not they should be depleting the county treasury of many thousands of dollars and countless man-hours defending against my complaint. I’ll do this only to expose the county’s risk analysis systems. Against this scenario looms a serious quandary – they could always tow my car away. I haven’t driven my car in many days fearing that I might lose the only shelter I have. So, the car is parked about a half hour’s walk from the library. Moreover, the Child Support Services has already suspended my driving privileges effective April 4th, 2009.

I’m finding out that things could quickly degenerate when you are in this situation. You are forced to fight your way out of just about every situation. The good thing is that I’m actually beginning to like this because it wipes out the often times debilitating emotion of fear. In its place is anger, which fortunately I am able to control and project positively. By the time this is over, someone will have to give me a house free and clear. And that’s just for starters …

Robert's Note: The drivers license numbers on the citations were digitally removed to protect against identity thieves despite the liability that using my identity would pose - financially, credit worthiness or otherwise.