Roy's Papers

I spent most of the day with my friend Roy who was a subject of a previous blog on Robert’s Justice. We took the occasion to make copies of some of his research papers and exhibits for a “Complaint for Damages” that will be filed in the US District Court – Southern District of California. Today was also the first time that the HP 7555 All-In-One Machine was ever put to use. And may I say, it was an amazing machine that is rich in all the attributes that we require for our legal work. I was very much impressed. I was like a mad scientist left in a laboratory. Just as an experiment, I scanned the picture on my Driver’s License and using their software imposed the image on a bubble template provided by HP. It turned out to be another example of the wonders of modern technology that I will bring to bear against my opposition.

Also, for the benefit of our readers, a few snapshots are featured on this blog to get them acquainted with one of the most courageous people that I have ever met in my life – a gentleman we call Roy.