Yestradamus 090708

From the embers of Homiscius and Bumipheus
a flash of fire, a storm of earth and shriek of wind
a change immense and consequential
One Hundred pebbles in a calming stream

This quatrain reminds me of one unforgettable summer in the early 80’s. It was a hot day and I rode my beach cruiser down the beach without my shirt on. In those days, my v-shaped physique allowed me such vanity to the whistling and hollering appreciation of Southern California chicks. Unfortunately, these days I’d be happy if the babes would just smile at me. I noticed that when I stand up straight, I couldn’t even see my feet anymore because my belly is in the way.

The phrase “embers of Homiscius and Bumipheus”, is a transliteration of “Member of the Fraternal Order of Homeless Bums” (MOFOHOBU) whose membership only requires that you can pose the following question in a polite and dignified manner: “Sir/Madam, can you spare me some change?”

That year, Sony had just released the Walkman and I was listening to a tape recording of Earth, Wind and Fire (see second line) singing:

“Do you remember, the 21st night, September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders.
While chasing the clouds away.”

The only thing was, I wasn’t chasing any clouds away but a homeless bum who had ran away with my beach cruiser I named Bella that I bought at a flea market. By the time the chase got on the asphalt road, my feet got busted up because I was running barefooted. The bum had gotten away. I was completely bummed out!

Later that evening, on my way home I saw a group of what appeared to be locals having a bonfire at the beach and approached them. Darkness had descended but I recognized the bum I chased earlier sitting by the fire with a bottle of Vodka just about to take a swig when I took his bottle. “Where the hell is my bike, you dirty bum?”, I asked. He looked at me and said nothing. I asked him again and again. But no reply.

One of the elders of the group approached us. He had overheard what I was asking the bum and explained that the reason the man wasn’t answering me was because he was mute. “Mute?”. “You mean, he can’t talk?”, I asked. "Yes", he replied. Then he said, “Friend I would guess that he had hocked your bike at a Pawn Shop so he can buy a drink. There is only one Pawn Shop around here. Wait until the morning and you can get it back. But while you are here, join us, we are all here trying to forget our problems”. I was exhausted and was feeling pity for the man that I just walked away and took a drink from his bottle; the bottle that was purchased with my bike.

Here’s what I can tell you about Vodka. I have been around the world and drank some interesting drinks. “Veergin: That’s Beer mixed with Gin”. “Gin-wine” (genuine) – that’s Gin mixed with Wine or “Mountain-Gin” – that’s Mountain Dew mixed with Gin. But Vodka that is made from Potato when drank straight up, you’d better have a couch to settle in because you’ll end up more than a couch potato. Everything the next morning was a blur, like the morning after a college frat party.

Analyst 147X