Seedy Operator makes ROBERT laugh

The email from the UPS Store prompted me to pick up my mail this afternoon. They informed me of a package that arrived by Express Mail. I expected an Ex-Parte Motion from one of my opposing counsels and so I opened the letter only to discover that the Seedy Operator’s  lawyer, Robert Connolly, was summoning me to court for what he felt was an affront because I did not show up at an "Arbitration Meeting". If that wasn’t laughable at all, look at the papers that he served me with. My 12-year-old son could have done a better job preparing his motion. The first thing that the judge will ask is, “Under what laws are you making this motion for sanctions?”. There were no statutes quoted on the paper whatsoever. It looks like a prank invitation to a courthouse party. At this point I'm not sure whether to respond with an "Opposition" or send him an RSVP.
He had his client spend money for him to draft some kind of invitation to appear before a judge convinced that he will be awarded sanctions. I already told him that this case will go in front of a jury and he just wants to make his client know that he is doing something about it - racking up some billable hours along the way.
What is it about the phrase, "We are going to Trial", that you don't understand? You’d better bring your “A-Game” counselor. This case is going to the federal courts and in front of a jury.