Give me Gerry's email address!

Attorney General Gerry Brown that is. In hopes of expediting my criminal complaint against Susan L. Angell, Wilbert Lacambra and Agnes Lacambra for violations of three (3) Penal Code Statutes, I wrote the webmaster of the Attorney General’s Office and received the typical runaround email referring me to people who cannot help me. The body of my message included the following language specifically asking for the Attorney General’s email address:

I perused the list of forms on the website and could
not find the one suited for what I need. I just need
an email address of a live person who could take a
copy of a complaint that I have already filed with
the OC Sheriff's Department in Laguna Niguel last
July 1, 2008. They are intimidated by the prospects
of investigating a practicing attorney who I have
alleged to have violated three Penal Codes. The
complaint, from what I can tell, has not been
investigated much less concluded. If you can give
me Gerry's direct email I would be grateful.

Thank you in advance.

The reply message was surprisingly useless. I was directed to file a complaint with the California Bar Association. My past experiences with the Bar Association have been disappointing at best. A previous complaint I filed alleging misconduct by a member of their association (Gary J. Gough Esq.) was met with cold disregard suggesting instead that I file a civil complaint against the attorney. That’s a really good plan if you have money, which in this case I didn’t. If I hadn’t taken up the challenge and pursued this matter in court, my grievance would have been forgotten and another individual's rights trampled. The reply email of the Attorney General’s Office is ripe with the classical traits of “Management by Evasion.” I will be sending a letter to Attorney General Brown and will await his reply. We can make a judgment about his crime fighting credentials thereafter and hopefully dispel what I suspect is another case of a member of the “Lawyer’s Club” protecting one of their own. The body of the DOJ’s return email is herein inserted:

Thank you for your email message.

The information about filing a complaint about a lawyer can be found on our website at: The page states:
If you have a complaint about a lawyer, contact the State Bar of California.
The State Bar has exclusive jurisdiction for attorney discipline and alleged violations of the State Bar Act or Rules of Professional Conduct.
Allegations of criminal conduct should be referred to the district attorney in which the alleged crime occurred.
The State Bar of California
(toll-free in California)
California Department of Justice

ROBERT’S NOTE: Both emails from which excerpts were culled are on file and can and may be made available to the public in the future.