SEAL Team kills 3 Pirates

US Navy Seal snipers, after 4 days of waiting, were finally given the green light to take out Somalian Pirates holding an American hostage. In the aftermath, 3 Pirates were killed, 1 is in custody and the hostage, American Capt. Richard Phillips was released and safe.
Early reports say that the lifeboat carrying the Pirates and the American hostage was being towed behind the US Navy ship Bainbridge when the take down of the 3 Pirates occurred. Another Pirate negotiating the ransom was on board the Navy ship and had to surrender immediately after discovering his companions had succumbed to the snipers’ skills.
The difficulty of the sniper shot(s) cannot be overemphasized. The targets were in a moving platform that was bobbing with the movement of the seas. The shooting platform, the US Navy ship, was also following the ebb and flow of the wave movements. To take dead aim of the targets and follow through required exceptional pulse discipline and skill that can only be mastered at the country’s best sniper schools.
The last time I saw something incredible like that was in my living room when my son shot up an entire battalion of alien bad guys playing Halo on his Xbox. Hoo Yah Seal Team!