Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is. (Winston Churchill)A number of decisions were made yesterday about the ROBERTS|JUSTICE Blog. First, we’ve decided to keep the old template. We’ve considered migrating to another site so we can take advantage of a wider array of features not available to us at this time. When we established this blog in April ‘08, it was one of a number that were available. Google recently conducted a system-wide upgrade, taking away this template from the selection list. That means once we leave this template we wont be able to return to it. So, we came to the conclusion that we can live with what we currently have. In exchange, we get to keep a design that we have learned to love all these years.
Second, we made the decision to establish a new website for all the funny stuff. All of the related materials including postings under the “Funny Blog Series” will eventually be migrated to a site we are calling COMIC+KINESIS. A number of our readers have expressed concerns about not being able to distinguish between the actual events that we’ve reported and fictional stories featured on the “Funny Blog Series”. We didn’t see this possibility at the time we first created the series. However, because of the stakes involved, we didn’t want to leave our credibility to chance. We felt the change was critical in order for us to be able to call those responsible for our grievances to account. It must be said, despite our lack of editorial experience and a tendency to make very green journalistic choices, we are here to tell the unvarnished truth.
The complexities of reporting abuses in government, particularly by the members of the law enforcement community are daunting. The consequences include retaliation against their member(s) by those they’ve investigated in the past and who may be members of the criminal underground. For those wanting to report about police improprieties as we do, the penalties for disclosing the identities of undercover operatives are severe, including financial penalties, jail time or both.
Accordingly, we have taken a responsible approach to our storytelling. As an example, certain plots and events on the “Nut’ So Fast” installment - a true story - could be recognized in the “Yestradamus 010711” story that we have managed to veil in a conspicuous manner. We had intended to continue on that path until the FBI decided to deprive me of my van, when they concocted this scheme that got it towed away. That was so outrageous that it was difficult for me to contain myself. The emphasis changed from protecting them from being outed to protecting the public from them. They, the government, turned out to be the perpetrators after all. Nonetheless, in keeping with responsible reporting, we will write about their misadventures without naming names. But that’s really the best that we can do for them.
Finally, as a fitting send-off to the “Funny Blog Series”, We’d like to introduce a new character named Moon Tzu, who claims to be the long lost brother of Sun Tzu, the highly-regarded Chinese Military Strategist who lived around 544 BC. There was one slight chink in his story, though. The Chinese have their last names in the front of the names, making the family name Sun instead of Tzu. So, there is one question that must be asked. Is Mr. Moon truly the long lost brother of Mr. Sun? Or, is he an impostor who’ve gotten his story all screwed up? Look for his stories on COMIC+KINESIS. The site is currently under construction but will be available for viewing soon.
VINCIT OMNIA VERITAS (The truth conquers all things.)