Save Buehler!

“Save Buehler”, one of our readers intoned. He was making a reference to DJ Rich, a character we developed on our blog who on a number of episodes used 80’s dance music to serenade a woman named Nina.

Today is the 14th, a day we usually celebrate with another Rich & Nina episode. Unfortunately, we are going to miss on that promise. I will point to one of my character flaws, a tendency to over-commit despite a long work-day that starts at around 6AM and ends around 11PM almost every day. My lack of journalistic training means that I am not as prolific a writer as I would like to be. At this point, writing composition is still a full-contact sport for me. Nevertheless, I have taken lengths to develop my writing muscles and have been pleased with the consistent improvement in that area. My immediate goal is to be able to publish a piece every day, 7 days a week, something that I have yet to do in the years that I have been managing this blog. Fortunately, with the number of issues that I am beginning to get involved in, there shouldn't be a lack of relevant things to write about.

We recently announced the creation of another site expressly for comic writing called COMIC+KINESIS where all the previous episodes of Yestradamus, Rich & Nina and Mo Tales and others will soon be found. I can’t tell you how much fun it has been for me developing those characters. And because they are my babies, conceived by a unique set of circumstances, I have made the personal commitment to continue writing about them, to mill the creative organs and make them grow well into the years ahead.

At this point, I felt that the emotions that I was trying to impart through our "Funny Blog Series" would be best served if a new home would be found for them. Imagine watching your favorite comedian in a war zone, while explosions and dehumanizing things are happening all around you. That was precisely how things were beginning to feel for me. I was personally involved in a case recently where a mother ended up losing her kids to adoption by court order. Although all her options have yet to be exhausted, and she may eventually find her case in the highest court of the land, my reaction was, “this isn’t funny at all!”

Also, we wanted to keep the credibility of the ROBERTS|JUSTICE Blog unblemished and unimpeachable. The fact that a number of our readers had confusion discerning fact from fiction was enough to give us serious concerns. There was really only one solution to that quandary. The simple act of relocating the characters from one site to another, I felt, would make a world of difference.

Happy Wednesday to one and all.