There were suggestions. And there were also ideas. In all, the most actionable feedback we received has to do with the confusion that readers sometimes experience when reading the RobertsJustice blog. They say the line that distinguishes between fiction and reality is often obscured requiring that we take a look at our format and make adjustments.

The characters in the blog were created as a way to release the often distracting comedy that mills around my head. It’s true what they say about hardship being the cradle for the best humour. I can say without reservation that the funny stuff has really saved me. Some of the skits I’ve posted are likely not even that funny to most, but I can assure you that I have had my share of quality entertainment writing about it. It is concerning sometimes because ideas would pop into my head at the most ill-chosen moments. Picture a guy, grungy and by all appearance homeless walking or sitting alone laughing his ass off. If mental illness does not come to mind you haven’t lived in a city.

So, under consideration is the creation of another blog that will serve as the home for all the funny stuff. We’ve had a string of tragedies occur the last several weeks - revolutions, earthquakes, nuclear reactor melt-downs, a massacre in Scandinavia, bombings, injuries and deaths. It seemed that publishing humorous pieces on the RobertsJustice blog while this was all happening expressed a lack of sensitivity to the plight of those touched by the events. Having said that, the final decision about creating a different site hasn’t been made quite yet giving our readers the opportunity to throw in their two cents. So, let me know what you think.

In another news, a meeting occurred yesterday that may move this blog into an interesting direction. I met up with Felix Torres, a disbarred attorney who graduated from Boalt School of Law (UC Berkeley) to explore the opportunity of working on projects together. During the conversation, I asked him why he was disbarred and he said that it was because he called a prosecutor a “fat bitch.” It was more than that, off course. But the feisty way in which he explained what happened was so contagious and oddly funny I took serious notice. As a result, we are discussing the possibility of helping him with his fight to regain his license. You already know we like that kind of stuff - the worthwhile and seemingly impossible fights. So, we’ll let you know as we move further along.

In our continued efforts to improve your reading experience, we have taken a branding initiative and are now testing different platforms. The way in which information is now consumed differs from the way it was done as recent as a few years ago. Who would have thought that one day entire articles would be read using a phone? Or how about news reporters in the middle of riots filing updates via Twitter? We want to embrace all that and will continually look for opportunities to innovate so our voice, as well as yours could be heard by those who can affect the changes so desperately needed in this country.

Here is a preview of the new site that is being developed. Let me know how you like it.

All the best,

Robert Lacambra