Dionne Warwick a victim of the FBI

There is a verse in the “Declaration of Independence” that I place upon the highest mantle of human aspirations. It said:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
What does it mean when certain members of our government uses it’s formidable powers to deprive its citizens of such rights and distorts the very essence of what our country stands for? I spent the last three days reconstructing events surrounding the untimely demise of my company Capital America Corporation. The seriousness of my situation had a way of bringing back characters from the past in such vivid color that I was inspired. I’ve had to piece through transactions that were very hard to forget because of the suspicious circumstances in which it all transpired. In the back of my mind I was trying to find out why the rogue team (Jim & Brad) I wrote about in a previous blog was interested in me. The more that I thought about it the more convinced I became that they are conducting clean-up operations and are taking defensive actions to prevent the publication of very destructive information.

In the total scheme of things, it’s obvious that I was merely a small player in a much bigger picture that began playing itself many years ago. But what is clear is that they are preventing the uncovering of other “sabotage operations” conducted on powerful individuals substantially more influential than I. In my search, I’ve also found that Dionne Warwick was a victim of the same, whose business “the Psychic Friends Network” was demolished by the same rogue elements of the law enforcement community. Based on my cursory discoveries, I found that “the Psychic Friends Network” conducted business in 49 markets in the US, which only means that we definitely are dealing with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). If and when Ms. Warwick and I were to compare notes, what we will find in common is the mutual acquaintance with certain individuals and a particular advertising & marketing company that worked on projects for both Capital America and the Psychic Friends Network (PFN). We will find that this marketing company was part of an FBI team responsible for the closure of both our companies.

In the case of the PFN, there is evidence that the FBI assembled a task force of psychic customers ordered to call the PFN 1 (900) phone line to speak to any of the 285 psychics on staff. The purpose of the call was to chalk up phone time while seeking psychic advise and celestial intervention on a number of life related challenges. Then, in unison or timed for optimum destructive effect, the task force charged back the calls. In 1992, the PFN had to pay back $1.1Million to AT&T eventually causing the company to file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy before shutting down its doors. It was later revived and was in business until 1998 until it closed for good. But clearly, the PFN or any of its employees or owners were not committing criminal acts. Otherwise, the FBI would have filed a criminal action against them. Instead, guided by their own warped sense of justice, they used government personnel and assets meant to protect Americans to destroy someone’s American dream. I am challenged to define what the FBI mission is - to bring criminals to justice or secretly shut down businesses they object to.

There was an incident that occurred while I was still living at City Lights Apartments that could only be described as mysterious and bore the fingerprints of a demolition team. It was described on the Second Amended Complaint of the action entitled Lacambra vs. Shea Properties et al, paragraph 32 page 10.

The last time, but most indelible was a curious incident when he met a couple at the Barnes & Noble coffee bar that had a 17 inch Apple Computer. Because Robert was an Apple Computer user, he struck a conversation with them and discovered that they too resided at the City Lights Apartments. With the promise of maybe working on projects related to Apple Computers and perhaps developing video and music together, they made a commitment to meet again. This time, they were to meet at the couple’s residence where a better and bigger system and all the new software were installed.

On January 24th, 2004, the evening of their appointed meeting, Robert knocked on the couple’s door and after minutes of knocking and waiting he discovered that nobody was home. And so he left and thought of returning later that night. On the way back to his apartment, he was stopped and accosted by a security detail that asked him questions regarding his whereabouts for the evening. It was only then that it became apparent he was being accused of “stalking” despite the curious fact that he had not even seen a single soul on his walk back. Within a half an hour a Sheriff’s Deputy was at his apartment asking him questions that explicitly accused him of the same. The name of the couple he was to meet that evening was recorded by the Sheriff’s Deputy on his report and will be inserted herein after discovery.
America is the “Land of Opportunity”. It should always be fertile grounds for the best ideas; where entrepreneurship is encouraged and fruits of labor rewarded on its merit. A company’s success should be decided by how effective it is in providing value to the markets. If it operates within the confines of the law, it should never be the subject of a saboteur’s insatiable lust for destruction – particularly rogue members of our law enforcement community. If we are to live in accordance with the vision of those who drafted the Declaration of Independence, we should ever be mindful that government exists to serve the people and not those that are served.