ROBERT argues with Cops (FILM)

I finally got my Mac G4 Laptop back yesterday. This is the first opportunity for me to upload footage of the “tow incident” that occurred a few minutes past 9PM on the evening of June 9th. I was trying to keep the footage short so I can upload it on YouTube. There is a 1GB limit on YouTube that translates to about 10 minutes of footage. I didn’t have my watch on so I kept turning the camera on and off every few minutes to make sure I was under that limit. I couldn't gauge the time very well. I was surprised when I saw that a couple of the films where not even more than two minutes long because it felt much longer than that. I could attribute that to all the adrenaline rushing through my body. A complete film will be acquired from the Sheriff's Department (Squad Car) when I start my discoveries on the case that will develop as a result of this.

In the first footage, I tried explaining to the deputy that he was in violation of a statute that is particularly applicable to my situation – CVC 22651.3 – requiring him to provide me with 5 or more notices in the span of 5 days of more. This statute applies to cars that are of foreign jurisdiction and specifically not registered in CA, as was the case with my car. I told him that he would find me in federal court exerting my civil rights under 42 USC Section 1983. The night before, I was roused from my sleep by two other deputies who told me I had 72 hours to move my car. This towing was initiated before the 72 hours was up.


As I was filming, the tow car driver from AC Towing asked me to stop filming. “Forget it, man. This is my right!” I replied as I exerted my First Amendment Right. A moment later, the deputy also asked me to stop rolling the tape. I told him we were in the public space and in fact we were in a public lot owned by the county. I made sure that I film from a distance so the tow driver's face is obscured by darkness and could not be made out by viewers of the film.


In this footage, the deputy asked me when the car was driven last. I told him that the car has been parked there since before the 5th of April, when my driver’s license was suspended by the Child Support Services for failure to pay child support payments. I simply didn't want to get a ticket for driving without a license.


In this footage, I told the deputy about the RICO Statutes. Apart from 42 USC Section 1983, there is another body of laws that may apply to my unique set of circumstances. They call the law RICO Civil (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization). It is coded as 18 USC Section 1961-1968. A criminal version was used by federal prosecutors to demolish the Mafia in New York and other cities. Interestingly enough, the same laws were also used to prosecute the Key West Police Department in Florida. The essential element of RICO is the commission of 2 predicate acts of high felony in the span of 10 years. Sheriff Carona and his assistant were recently convicted in California for felony acts.


This footage actually shows the car being taken away. Before the deputies left, I asked them if they could give me a bus pass in the event I needed one. At that point, I wasn’t sure where I was going to sleep for the night and I just had to ask. Unfortunately, neither one of them had a bus pass. I slept at the 24 Hour Fitness in Aliso Viejo for about 2 hours.