A cantankerous press, an obstinate press, a ubiquitous press must be suffered by those in authority in order to preserve the right of the people to know. (Judge Murray I. Gurfein)The introduction is usually a whistle and it's rarely a tune that I could recognize. Sometimes it's just a string of musical notes meant to get my attention. It's my queue to take notice and get a dose of entertainment from an undercover FBI agent who prances around the Neighborhood Cup or wherever I am at the moment. It’s a way of telling me that the Bureau considers me a “whistleblower”. It also says that they are keeping tabs on me - watching.
The whistling episodes are a rather comedic part of my day whenever it happens. More than that, it is a diversion, a caustic proclamation betraying the clarity of thinking that exists at the FBI. For one, I was never employed nor have I ever been an instrument of the Bureau. Describing me as a “whistleblower” is a mischaracterization. I am, by all accounts, an advocate with legitimate constitutional grievances. But since it is doubtful that someone in government would give me powers to conduct an independent inquiry, my contribution will be to show how antiquated, decrepit and perverse “Hoover’s Old Bureau” has become.
Retaliation is a mild word to use in describing what I have experienced. I really do think the FBI would rather see me silenced and 6 feet under. Over the many months, I have been the subject of heckling, name calling and veiled threats. I have been physically threatened and forced into altercations and actually assaulted. (VIEW POST-ASSAULT VIDEO) The harassment continues to this day and has no sign of ending any time soon. But that’s actually a boon to our efforts as it shows that we are making people very uncomfortable. That is our job.
The press is called the “4th Estate” for it’s role in society as the unofficial fourth branch of government. Its primary purpose is to inform and educate people. That includes reporting official malfeasance, waste, inefficiencies, abuse, corruption and all other governmental improprieties. Thus, it also serves an essential part in the system of checks and balances that insures power is not concentrated in any one particular branch.
Social networking platforms and other net-centric technologies play an important role in advancing liberties. It makes it easy for people to tell unflattering stories about their government and leaders. Even major news outlets encourage their viewers to post videos about subjects of interest on their sites. Unfortunately, what is easy to share digitally is also easy to alter, censure or completely block.
The FBI has in their employ some of the finest computer engineers trained by the best schools in the world. Do you think that they may be in the practice of blocking access or altering digital information that is critical of them? I can assure you that they are. I have experienced some of the strangest things happen to my computer and its digital content. Sometimes I would discover errors in my writing that were so elementary I could not possibly have done it. After correcting and sometimes re-correcting the mistakes, a visit to the page days later would show the same error. That is only one of the many ways that the FBI tries to marginalize my work. Nothing speaks about a person on the world wide web more than bad speller who is prone to atrocious grammar.
Just one of such examples appeared on our Picasa Album where the title for the DA of Orange County Tony Rackauckas was mispelled. Notice that the title says “Distric” instead of “District”. The registry on the top also reflects the same, showing very sophisticated digital capabilities.(VIEW DIGITAL BREAK-IN PIC) There have been blocked emails - both incoming and outgoing, confirmed only after senders asked me if I have received the transmissions. Such activities are violations of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. And there are many of such digital break-ins that we will divulge on another blog dealing specifically with this issue.
The biggest haul in their attempt to suppress my activities occurred around October 2010 when my Apple G4 laptop, Nikon digital camera and other attorney products were stolen at the Neighborhood Cup as I stepped away. In my legal fights, that was certainly the most disruptive as the computer contained a substantial amount of my legal writing that is very difficult to reproduce. I have since been able to replace the computer but not the camera.
Through economic sabotage, they were able to take into their possession very difficult to produce and expensive attorney and discovery products contained in storage facilities that I have lost through evictions - Public Storage on Cabot Road in Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo Storage on Journey in Aliso Viejo. I have also lost trial binders, discovery materials, stationery and office equipment stored in two cars - a 1998 Chrysler 300M and a 1988 Dodge Ram 350 that were both towed under suspicious circumstances. The contents were never retrieved because of the prohibitive cost and my inability to arrange for storage. Being homeless, all that I can carry on myself are two bags.
All the statements made herein are allegations until proven by a showing of evidence. In civil actions, unlike criminal proceedings, the standard is a preponderance of information. But if our allegations are true, the government has violated my right to free speech and of the press; my right to unreasonable searches and seizures; my right to equal protection of the law; and my right to due process. In other words, they have effectively turned my little corner of the world into their version of a Banana Republic - an act made respectable only by their federally-issued guns and badges.
So, at the end of our search for the perfect criminals there will emerge the highest person in the chain-of-command directly responsible for this monstrosity. And when we do, we will know who the #1 Banana is in this atrociously misled and misguided operation.
LAST UPDATED: AUG 12, 2011 - 754AM