The building that stands on One Journey is definitely a favorite of mine. Completed in 1997, it is the home of the Aliso Viejo Library, Friends of the Library Bookstore and the Neighborhood Cup, where everyday I open shop to do the important work of advancing justice. The Library and the Cup both have virtues that complement my work style. The library is a quiet and solemn place that I utilize for much of my reading. The ambient noise of the Cup - the people talking, the background music, the clanging of the dishes and the smell of the coffee brewing meld together in a cacophony of sensory experiences that drive my writing projects. If work has to be done elsewhere, it is likely the result of work extending through the night. And sometimes it’s the annoying case of writer’s block setting in.
Another preferred workplace is Barnes & Noble Booksellers, notable for their generous member discounts. I told a cashier who offered me a discount card once that I wasn’t in need of it. My reasoning: If I had to pay for all the many chapters that I’ve ever read there, I’ll probably have to fork up a small fortune. I wanted to pay full price for any of my purchases there. Even at that it probably isn’t going to be enough for the education that I have received inside their four walls.
An article I saw a few days ago informed me of a new book by Robert Kessler entitled the “The Secrets of the FBI”. I recently acquired one of his earlier works - The FBI: Inside The World’s Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency - from the library bookstore for $0.25. It is part of the background research for a piece I am producing about my experiences with the FBI and their abuses. The new book went on sale yesterday giving me the perfect reason to visit B&N where I spent part of the evening reading the first four chapters of his new book.
There is a need for me to acquire a balanced perspective on the “Bureau”. My best efforts have fallen short, however. It has proven to be extremely difficult considering the grievance(s) I have with them, which incidentally is developing into a full-blown civil rights case. My search hopes to unearth patterns that point to the nature of their organization that is responsible for such flawed decision-making - a culture drunk with power that systematically defaces the US Constitution. The FBI agent’s oath of office states:
The Roberts+JUSTICE Special on the FBI begins on August 10th, 2011.
Another preferred workplace is Barnes & Noble Booksellers, notable for their generous member discounts. I told a cashier who offered me a discount card once that I wasn’t in need of it. My reasoning: If I had to pay for all the many chapters that I’ve ever read there, I’ll probably have to fork up a small fortune. I wanted to pay full price for any of my purchases there. Even at that it probably isn’t going to be enough for the education that I have received inside their four walls.
An article I saw a few days ago informed me of a new book by Robert Kessler entitled the “The Secrets of the FBI”. I recently acquired one of his earlier works - The FBI: Inside The World’s Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency - from the library bookstore for $0.25. It is part of the background research for a piece I am producing about my experiences with the FBI and their abuses. The new book went on sale yesterday giving me the perfect reason to visit B&N where I spent part of the evening reading the first four chapters of his new book.
There is a need for me to acquire a balanced perspective on the “Bureau”. My best efforts have fallen short, however. It has proven to be extremely difficult considering the grievance(s) I have with them, which incidentally is developing into a full-blown civil rights case. My search hopes to unearth patterns that point to the nature of their organization that is responsible for such flawed decision-making - a culture drunk with power that systematically defaces the US Constitution. The FBI agent’s oath of office states:
I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.Clearly, they have much to answer to.
The Roberts+JUSTICE Special on the FBI begins on August 10th, 2011.