Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government. (Thomas Jefferson)I am a blogger and an advocate for justice. Except for those high-minded years when the US Constitution was being crafted by our nation’s forefathers, there could be no better time for a person like myself to live. YouTube, blog sites, digital cameras, digital-voice recorders and new technologies that place in the hands of individuals the ability to document events also now have the power to question, debunk and to reveal the truth. We are one such group - we tell the Americans what the government does not want them to know.
It was never my intention at first, but I was drawn to what is now becoming my life’s work after I experienced deprivations of my own, claimed upon me by the criminal-justice system. As I searched for answers, I discovered that I was actually a subject of an investigation that included a task force comprising certain elements of the FBI, DEA, OC Sheriff’s Department and the Costa Mesa Police Department (The Task Force). My amateur investigative efforts and their very sloppy law-enforcement techniques helped me arrive upon this conclusion.
At first, their work was very shoddy, conspicuous and loud, which prompted me to ask questions. But after a while the difference in the quality became noticeable. That was also when I was able to confirm that it was the FBI I was dealing with. In the middle of their investigation they shifted teams from one adept in criminal work to one that worked in counter-intelligence. That was when the most difficult days of my life began. Mysterious things started happening to me, things that left me with no ability to attach the blame on any of them. They were disruptive, incredibly destructive and in most instances invisible. It was work that was shrouded in deniability - the hallmark of intelligence operatives.
Fortunately, not all of them were that proficient in their chosen profession. It only took one of them to blow the cover on all the others on their team. I didn’t need to discover all of them. I only had to discover one unwitting individual, one who by definition is a disgrace to their organization. It took patience, but by a stroke of sheer luck, they made a most bewildering mistake. They attempted to cover-up their past misdeeds. That’s when the traps that I had set started working effectively.
There can be no question. I am dealing with very proud and powerful organizations. At almost every turn I have been thwarted by their disruptive activities in my battle against them. Unfortunately, the peril this nation faces is the fact that these individuals feel they have a mandate to carry on with their business in such a wayward manner and with complete impunity. They seem to have been blinded by the numbing work of apprehending criminals that they freely abandon their oath of office. They willingly cross the line to join their foes in defacing the Constitution just so they can prosecute them.
Defending the Constitution is not only an obligation but a distinct privilege for those who reside in this great country. It defines what it means to be patriotic. Every person that has taken arms to defend this nation has done so to protect the US Constitution and her promise of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Asking the government to make an accounting of their actions is an important aspect of a democracy. It is at the very heart of this nation’s founding principles - to question authority and expel from any office those who’ve committed transgressions against her. Accordingly, we invoke, in relevant parts, a passage from the First Amendment which provides a way for us, the people “... to petition the government for redress of grievances”. Clearly, a civil action is only one part of this entire process. Legislation will most certainly be required to prevent such wrongdoings from being perpetrated again in the future.
Despite my apprehensions, I actually can’t wait to get this and other actions we are preparing filed in court. It will require every ounce of financial resources that I don’t have. It will tax me physically and emotionally and deprive me of many things. But I do not shrink from it nor do I mind the deprivations because it is something I chose for myself. It is my freewill that I exercise and not the whim of a person with a gun and a badge with misguided notions about authority.
I expect to experience every legal trick to be thrown at me. If you don’t believe me, read my blog about Lacambra v. OC Sheriffs, where the case was unilaterally and without prior notice transferred to a different jurisdiction - violating the 6th Amendment of the US Constitution. Every case that have been filed, thus far, included trickery and deprivations thrown in by the opposition, but more on that later as it is another action that is in the works.
This series is called “The Lacambra Fiasco” very simply because it is becoming just that - a full-blown fiasco that was the product of a gross miscalculation. This is the result of the unmitigated arrogance by members of the “Task Force” who expected a lowly individual to surrender at the first sign of hardship. This individual is now severed from every important relationship he’s had, financially bankrupt and homeless, yet he plots along with no sign of stopping. It will define what the word fiasco really means.
The Lacambra Fiasco is also your primer to the upcoming consolidated court action. We are certain the “Task Force” will seek a blanket gag order from court, citing security reasons and to protect the identities of their assets. Unless the violation is egregious enough and shocking to the conscience, we will make every effort to protect their identities.
Much of what we allege here are based on our own unfinished investigative work. Every attempt at getting formal discoveries through previous actions have, thus far, been foiled. Furthermore, through trickery and manipulations they have caused the loss of substantial amounts of our attorney product. And though we believe our allegations to be true, we will endeavor to prove it with evidence that we are now gathering. So, we reserve the right to modify, alter or change whole or parts of our blogs to reflect newly found facts, laws and evidence. The bottom of the page will state the last time and date the page was modified.
Moreover, we have arranged the series in a way that informs our reader whether a new blog on the series has been added. As you are aware, blogging is just part of what we do at RobertsJustice. We certainly spend as much of our time doing so. However, because of the reactive nature of our work and the limited resources available to us, we cannot promise when the next post on the subject will be made. However, since we are committed to this series we will publish the titles in advance giving us proper motivation to tell our story. You can find the list on our series column on the right side of the page. Here is a partial list of upcoming episodes in this series:
Thank you for reading our blog. We hope to see you in court.
The Roberts+JUSTICE Staff