America cannot remain a great country if it surrenders to moral decay masquerading as national interest.A diplomat appointed to the United Nations sets out for New York carrying the dreams and aspirations of his people. Those ambitions, the hope for a better future will arrive to these shores and converge with a quite arsenal deemed essential by the FBI for the protection of this nation from enemies foreign and domestic. Its origins, achievements and failures are shrouded in secrecy. It is the anti-thesis of the American ideal. It is justified as serving a noble purpose yet it uses the most deviant of methods. Its rational is to secure the interests of this nation by managing the ambitions of others - be it friend or foe. It is rooted in the oldest profession and draws from a toolkit that includes deception, seduction, romance, love, sex and anything a particular result may call upon. It caters to the very exclusive circles where power and consequence reside - the playground of the FBI’s corps of women who work the United Nations in New York.
Somewhere in a nondescript building in Florida exists a vault that contains a library of pictures, videotapes, taped conversations, love letters and communications to and from persons of interest - diplomats, emissaries, politicians, their spouses, their relatives, friends and every persons in their circle of influence. It’s a warehouse of sorts, a repository of things that could change the fortunes of a nation.
ELICITATA | It may have started innocently, a pleasant conversation that led to a warm friendship. Then, a disclosure of personal hardship, to which you offer an expression of concern. An invitation follows - lunch seeking your advise that leads to a dinner some other time and eventually an invitation to her home. There would be a very pleasant dinner, some wine and very thoughtful conversation. One thing leads to another and then you both find yourself under the sheets making passionate love. Unbeknownst to you, the place was a virtual studio full of eavesdropping equipment - a voyeur’s paradise and your every action filmed and every sound recorded.
PROXYMAS | All of the above except the person being recorded is someone other than yourself. It would be someone you care deeply about - a girlfriend, a fiance, a wife, a daughter, a sister or a mother. The best use for this technique is to sow discord in the target’s family by showing a film or pictures of the person in embarrassing situations. This was used by the FBI on their fight against Martin Luther King Jr. They sent a tape to Mrs. King.
PHONEYSIAN | A variation of both. The only difference is that the persons on the tapes were look-alikes, body doubles and whose conversations were overdubbed by voice actors.
CARAEZY | They literally make you appear crazy. A clinical diagnosis is not required.
The tricks contained in the UN Women’s bag of tricks is as boundless as her imagination, limited only by how much preparation and work she would like to put into it. Based solely on my observations such activities are directed principally to do the following:(1) to neutralize, (2) to control and (3) on rare occasions to elevate the stature of an individual. The subject of how they do it is a whole new book entirely, which I will not attempt to write about here. This is a blog, so I will limit the pieces to what I have experienced as the recipient of the Bureau’s operations.
The very first time that I had an encounter with a UN Woman is very difficult to pinpoint. However, I have my suspicions. I have had an interesting life thus far full of fascinating individuals and situations that were so extraordinary that one might think it was contrived. I can say this much, though. The Bureau’s activities intensified after I started making noises about the FBI’s mis-adventures. The clean-up operations, distinct from the criminal investigations and the counterintelligence work started in earnest right after I became homeless at the end of ‘07. Their mission: To completely discredit me and place in doubt everything that I may say about them in the future.
The best way to discredit a person is to arrange for them to develop a mental illness. If that isn't successful, the next best thing is to make the target appear crazy. An effective way to do so is by association. It doesn’t matter whether you are afflicted with mental illness or not. If you are in a group of head cases and you are not wearing a doctor’s lab coat, you might as well be one because birds of the same feather flock together.
Early on during the introduction phase of the approach, a UN Woman would make sure I am aware of a persistent neurological or psychiatric problem. Off course, the affliction is not easily apparent but reinforced by other people telling me about an event they’ve witnessed confirming the diagnosis. This serves to do two things. First, it excuses the seduction as poor judgment. Second, it creates an impression of an easier prey. And when properly used on an unsuspecting victim, it's much like a Vesuvius without the warning. The effects of the massive eruption is devastating and complete.
On the next posting, we feature the stories of the women themselves:
Wine 'O
Nut’ So Fast
Southern Confort
‘Bout Cigars
Box O' Chocolates
Waldorf Hysteria
Oldies But Goodies
And the others.
LAST UPDATED: August 30, 2011 - 214PM