Mo Tales, Mo's Tail

"Have you ever wondered why Mo never sits down?" Mo's mom asked me. I never thought about it, but as I look back, I’ve never really seen Mo sitting on any of the occasions that I’ve seen him. “No, I haven’t”, I replied. "Well, this is a long kept family secret that I’ve never told anyone. But because I have come to trust you, I will tell you. The reason Mo does not sit down on his behind is because he has a tail that he has coiled inside his pants. If he sits on it, it hurts him like a dog when its tail is stepped on. If he has to, he sits on his side. All through school he had to use one of those kneeling chairs that was prescribed by his doctor."
"One more thing, he had an operation when he was still a toddler. It came about when we discovered that every time he would suck on his thumb while sleeping, a small horn would pop out of his head. It’s a really troubling situation for a mother. It’s a good thing it only happens when he is sleeping and while sucking on his thumb – only his thumb. Can you imagine if that happens while I was breast-feeding him? That could have impaled me. Can you imagine the headlines the next day? “Infant kills his own mother”. I had to do something about it. If you shave off all his hair, you’ll see a deep crater just above his forehead because he had a single horn like a Unicorn. I used to tie his hands to his side just to make sure that his thumb would not reach his mouth."
"You won’t believe how much money it cost me for all the surgeries. The insurance company said that although it was out of the ordinary, it wasn’t life threatening. So every thing had to come out of my pocket. Those were some of the most troubling of times. Not only was it a financial nightmare but also that stretch of about two years was when I began having nightmares. One particular nightmare that kept visiting me in my sleep featured Mo sleeping on his back and then his tongue would roll out of his mouth ending up in his belly button almost sucking on his navel. That’s pretty yuuuukkky, if you ask me."
She took out her IPhone and started looking for something. “I even have a film of his tail popping out accidentally – at the wrong time. It’s embarrassing. Here, I’ll show it to you so you know what I mean.” She then turned the phone to me and showed me the footage.