LAWYER SUE pissed off at ROBERT

Today’s hearing on the matter of Defendant Susan Angell’s (LAWYER SUE) demurrer was presided by Judge Pro Tem Susan Olsen. As a matter of civil procedure, the court requires parties to stipulate on having a temporary judge hear the matter. I was so anxious to hear what the ruling was that I signed the stipulation.
Judge Olsen heard another matter before our number was called. “Number 7, Lacambra vs Glass”, she announced. After our introductions, Judge Olsen read the ruling, which in effect gave me 10 days leave to amend my complaint. The verbal sparring between LAWYER SUE and I started soon thereafter. LAWYER SUE was upset at the ruling and I was upset that I couldn’t get the document that I wanted that the court reporter had to interrupt our boisterous exchange – “One at a time, please”, he commanded. She called me Dude in front of the judge and I called her Dudette to express our uniform displeasure at each other. She even claimed that I had already gotten the District Attorney’s Office involved. I know that isn’t true because I am still drafting that letter. I’ve been hesitant about sending it off because people can go to jail for that.
After the hearing, our colorful exchange continued outside the courtroom. That was where things got a little personal. “No wonder your kids don’t want to see you”, she bellowed. Of all the things she can say that were any dirtier and hurtful, she had to drag my kids into the conversation. “I’m going to have you disbarred”, I retorted. That was when she gave me the middle finger salute. It was a moment worthy of my enjoyment as I had gotten in her head and accomplished a small part of my battle plan.
Thinking the encounter was over, I proceeded to the bus stop to pick up the #83 bus. As I was walking, I delighted in seeing LAWYER SUE once again, in all the veneer of a respectable attorney, driving in her 5 Series BMW looking at me with a smile and giving me another middle finger salute through her open sunroof as she was driving by. I’ve arrived, I thought to myself. She was absolutely pissed off, validating the fact that I am fast becoming an attorney’s worst nightmare.
What emerged from the hearing was another to do list that includes the following:
  • Draft and file the Second Amended Complaint in 10 days
  • Draft and send the Criminal Complaint to the District Attorney of CA
Say good-bye to your BAR License LAWYER SUE. You are a disgrace to the legal profession.