My new neighbors: Raccoons

It was just a matter of time before my neighbors finally came out to meet me. They were a little off on their timing, though. It was about 3:30AM when they decided to introduce themselves. I was sleeping when I felt something rubbing my leg and opened my eyes to one of life’s “holy shit” moments. What came out of my mouth was the sound of a person’s first breath after being revived from a flat line – that sudden and massive inhalation of air. There was a scene in the movie “Pulp Fiction” when John Travolta stuck a needle in Uma Thurman’s chest to pump adrenaline into her heart. That was almost how it sounded only without the screaming. The cause of that cardio-pulmonary assault: Two full-grown Raccoons sniffing me out. For kicks, I added the Pulp Fiction scene in case you haven't seen it and you'll know what I'm talking about.

I sleep by a spot that is shaded by a huge pine tree. I chose that spot because it serves as a barrier from chilly winds and moisture from cold mornings. I knew that the raccoons were up there and slept with my camera beside me on certain nights in case they decided to pose for pictures. This morning, I had to scramble and pull the camera out of my bag. One of them went up the tree but the other one stayed behind and took a rear guard position pacing around the base of the tree in a protective manner.

You can never be too careful about wild animals. Raccoons almost never attack humans unless they are cornered or are protecting their young. So, I was never concerned about ending up as a meal. However, you have to always consider the possibility of them being carriers of rabbies. Discretion being the better part of valor, I decided our first meeting was long enough and so I departed. As a project, I’ll try to find a way to befriend them. I have yet to figure out how to do that but it will probably include making offerings of food and other delectable treats.


(Warning: The movie Pulp Fiction was released as Rated R. This particular scene is intended for mature audiences only. Parental Discretion is advised. If you are under the age of 17 seek your parent’s approval before viewing.)