Yestradamus 100708

A mound shall to the dual tongued creature yield
In its path devoured of infantile rapture
A journey from whence of east and landed west
On a tower leaves and branches set in stone

This is a challenging quatrain to decipher because of the reference to the dual tongued creature. Anytime that’s mentioned we are certain it is a reference to Robert Frost’s poem “A Road Less Traveled”. He wrote:

Two roads diverged in a wood, an I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And it has made all the difference.

In other words, there is a Y on the road and you have got to make a choice pretty darn fast. Well, it just so happens that’s exactly what occurred one afternoon on the 5 Freeway around the El Toro Y where the freeway splits between the 5 and the 405 Freeway. It was rush hour and the congestion was bumper to bumper. I was trying to get to the right lane to get on the 405 but all the lanes were packed with cars. On my right were a string of cars driven by teenagers who wouldn’t let me pass. So, I honked my horn and the one guy honked back. I honked back and then he honked back. Pretty soon a bunch of cars where honking at each other. I hadn’t planned on it, but it was almost like a symphony of horns on the freeway. It was an impromptu lesson in sociology - like when you are listening to someone speaking and one person claps and everybody else in the room claps along even though nobody knows what the person just said.

Anyway, I finally got to my destination to visit my friend whose wife had just given birth. This is where we get “infantile rapture”. The visit never gets any more awkward than that. It happens every time I go to the baby ward and I have to tell the parent, usually the father, that they have a beautiful baby. When, in fact, I can’t exactly make out what it looks like just right after the birthing process. You should wait a few days to visit because if you go on the birthday, the baby just went through one hell of a day.

The use of “east and west” on the same line is a reference to the concept of “yin and yang”. This is a tricky concept like sweet and sour pork. It’s good but probably not healthy for you, even if you eat it with chopsticks. You may feel that you are eating less by eating it with two difficult to control sticks instead of a fork. But if you finish the whole serving then you really didn’t eat less but actually more than you think.

The word “stone” that appears at the end of the quatrain is a reference to a not so commonly used British unit of weight equivalent to 6.35029318 kilograms. Converted to pounds, it weighs exactly 14 pounds. The number 14 is also the atomic number for Silicon, which has the chemical symbol of Si, the Spanish word for YES. We did research and discovered that the crystal structure of Silicon is Diamond Cubic, which in itself is a contradiction in terms – “Diamond” meaning the real thing and “Cubic” (Zirconia) meaning the imitation. So, once again, we are back to “yin-yang” – hard and soft. But the proper translation of “yin-yang’ is “Harmony”.

What the Yestradamus is finally saying is strive for more “Harmony”. I completely agree with him. Who in this world couldn’t use more money? I know, I do!

(Analyst 147X)