I wish to apologize to our readers for not bringing you this month's installment of Yestradamus and Rich & Nina. There are two chief reasons for this. First, I felt that publishing the pieces were inappropriate considering the events of recent days – the bloody revolutions in the Middle East and the significant loss of lives in Japan caused by the earthquakes and the Tsunamis that followed. Second, the personal loss of a family friend - Nita Arichea (Tita Nits) - had an inhibiting effect on my writing, preventing me from being in a state particular to creating comedic pieces. They say that you'll never know what you have until it is lost. That saying is very much true. And in this case, I was experiencing a profound sense of guilt for not being able to attend her wake and bid her a proper farewell at her funeral.
We at RobertsJustice offer our deepest sympathies to those effected by the events in the Middle East and Japan. We will resume our series' in the very near future.
Robert Lacambra
Blogger/ Advocate