Meth-head crashes through ceiling of ER

Consider these four decisions made by a meth-head. It will alert you to the dangers of methamphetamine use:
  1. He decided he was a qualified chemist.
  2. He decided it was safe to escape through the ceiling.
  3. He decided it was possible to evade the cops on foot.
  4. He decided it was possible to evade his medical bill by giving a false name.
Enter Nicholas D. Fultz (27), a small-time criminal with a two-page rap sheet. He was brought to the Southwest Hospital in Louisville, KY after a bottle of chemicals he was handling in a car exploded causing burns all over his body. In a chain of events that are as perplexing as the man himself, he attempted to escape by climbing through the ceiling of the hospital building. It wasn’t long before a crash was heard by hospital visitors who found Fultz on the floor. There are no additional details about his condition but a fall from one floor up while crawling on all-fours was likely to have caused a painful face plant and bruised knees. He was later charged with “manufacturing meth, trafficking in controlled substances, criminal mischief, resisting arrest and giving an officer a false name or address.”

Well, Mr. Fultz, in the words of Donald Trump, “You're Fried!”