First Traffic Case Dismissed

I just returned from trial this afternoon on the matter of the People of California vs Lacambra. The case was for a traffic ticket issued by Deputy Muir of the OC Sheriff’s Department who alleged violations of CVC 4000 – Expired Registration.

The court wasn’t packed as I thought it would be. I was quiet anxious because I didn’t have my trial notebook with me. When the Sheriff’s Department towed my car away on the 9th of June, I wasn’t able to retrieve any of the attorney product and legal documents I kept in my car. The gods were looking down on me as it was clear to me early on that the deputy did not appear for trial. The bailiff called for his name during roll call and nobody answered to say he was present. Any number of things could have happened that would have prevented him from appearing in court. Nonetheless, Judge Lyle Robertson dismissed the case and I was free to go.

I’ll be back in the same court again tomorrow for another ticket. I’ll post an update as soon as I return from court.