Richest Man In Town - The book

I recently came upon a book at Barnes & Noble that caught my attention. Over the years I’ve just about read every motivational book around. I spent many years in Sales & Marketing and accumulated a mini-library about the subject. This one is interesting. It’s called “Richest Man in Town” written by W. Randall Jones. The author spoke of 12 Commandments that he distilled from personal interviews with many individuals considered the richest residents of their respective towns.

Money’s importance in negotiating through life cannot be denied. It’s true that money cannot buy happiness, but money can confront need itself. In the justice system, the one with the most money and who can afford the best attorneys usually wins. I found that in most cases it has nothing to do with justice. He who is able to wage a protracted fight is the one who usually prevails. This is played out everyday in our legal system. We at RobertsJustice are searching for that equalizer - that solution that levels the playing field. We think it will be ushered in by new technologies that will be developed for this purpose. But until we are able to deploy our solution, money is the still the best equalizer.

Richest Man in Town
12 Commandments

1.     Seek money for money’s sake and ye shall not find
2.     Find your perfect pitch
3.     BYOB. Be your own boss
4.     Get addicted to ambition
5.     Wake up early – Be early
6.     Don’t set goals – Execute or Get Executed
7.     Fail to succeed
8.     Location doesn’t matter
9.     Moor yourself to morals
10.  Say Yes to Sales
11.  Barrow from the best – and the worst
12.  Never retire