Kidnappers meet their match

A 3 year-old who was abducted from his San Bernardino (CA) home was found wondering the streets of Mexicali, Mexico last Sunday after being gone for two weeks. The child, Briant Rodriguez, was reunited with his family after FBI agents went to Mexicali and helped in expediting his travel papers. There was no ransom or any communication between the parents and the kidnappers. Authorities are still searching for answers and want to know why the child was targeted for the kidnapping.

It’s obvious that the crew of kidnappers were comprised of amateurs. Either that or none of them has ever had a child and have no clear idea how much work a three-year child is. Based on that, we've theorized that there were no women in the group. We conjectured what it must have been like moments before the child’s release.

RJ’s dramatization of the child's release:

Kidnapper#1: Do you smell something?
Kidnapper#2: No. (Pretending he didn’t smell anything)
K#1: Dude, it’s your turn to change his diapers.
K#2:  What do you mean it’s my turn? I’m the brain of the operations. I was the one who thought of this whole thing. I’ll tell you what to do. Don't ever tell me what to do.
K#1: Yeah right. If you had brains, why are we in this situation? We’re in Mexico, without money, without a ransom plan and we have a kid who needs his diapers changed. More than that, he cries day and night. It's giving me a migraine!
K#2:Hey, remember – I was the one who drove him around last night because he didn’t want to sleep. I even bought him the milk from the American store across the border after he started throwing up from the goat milk.
K#1: See what I mean? The kid has been crying all day and it is driving me nuts. Will you just change his diapers!
K#2: Man, I can’t. I have a real bad gag reflex when it comes to stink. I throw up when I catch wind of nasty stuff.
K#1: I don’t want to change him again. I already did that and the last time, my nose almost got split wide open.
K#2: If you don’t want to do that and I don’t want to do that, let’s just let him go, then. We’ll just find another kid who does not wear diapers the next time.
K#1: Fine!
K#2: Fine!