Finally, after all this time. Defendant Susan Angell, one of the defendants in the Lacambra vs. Glass et al and the Attorney of Record for a number of parties in the action was finally served her Summons after the 9th attempt. She has turned out to be a tricky defendant to get under the jurisdiction of the court. She was a last minute addition to the list of defendants on Lacambra vs Glass et al. Despite having responded to the First Amended Complaint on behalf of her clients, she sought procedural protection by claiming that she was not served properly. First, I enlisted the help of the OC Sheriff's Department who claimed that Defendant Angell was "Evading" after 6 attempts. So, eventually, my friend, Felix offered to help. We didn't expect her to be served in person but by sheer luck she was home today. I went in expecting to film my friend putting the Summons in a receiving box to prove in court that a copy was left in a reasonable place. I have linked three different clips showing all three attempts including the successful service. I purposely avoided getting her face on film to make sure a I wasn't violating any privacy laws. That's all I needed to add to the caseload. She was technically inside her home when she was handed the Summons. If she was in a public place, filming her would not raise any legal issues. But, if she tries to deny that she was served, her distinct voice was audible on the clip. What that means is that she is now under the jurisdiction of the court and must respond to my Complaint within 30 Days. You've been served, Counselor!