Our Beta Testing

We’ve been busy doing beta testing on our website/blog. We replicated a write-up of the Robert's Justice Blog on a major newspaper and simulated a deluge of readers viewing our site at the same time. The results were surprising. We discovered that our infrastructure could not handle that volume of website hits. Fortunately, we think that we’ve found the solution and will try to redeploy again early next week.
Our goal for the first quarter of this year is to have Robert’s Justice featured on at least three major newspapers and three major news outlets like Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. We realize that we only have one chance to make a connection with our readers. So, we wanted to make sure that our pages are easy to navigate and intuitive to our readers. These and other improvements in the works will ensure that we continue to deliver on our promise of information, entertainment and advocacy of issues that are important to our times.
We thank you for your patience.
All the best,
The Robert’s Justice Staff