Lacambra vs. Public Storage
Last Friday I appeared before Hon. David Chaffee on a motion I filed to consolidate the two actions with the same parties – one in Santa Ana, CA in the Unlimited Jurisdiction and another one in Laguna Hills, CA in the Limited Jurisdiction. I knew that the case would ultimately be consolidated and arrived at the courthouse confident. When I got there, the “Preliminary Ruling” was already posted for my review:
Lacambra VS Public Storage
Motion to Transfer and Consolidate Cases
Moving party is correct that the two cases do involve the same facts, law and witnesses. Judicial economy would be served by combining the two cases. However, Moving Party will need to explain why this case should not be transferred to the Harbor Court limited jurisdiction panel. Given the allegations of the Complaint, how can this case be worth $25,000?
The differences between the two courts are based on the amount of damages sought. Limited Jurisdiction is up to $25,000 and everything over that amount is usually presided by the Unlimited Jurisdiction. So, I stepped outside and prepared my argument to answer the question: Why is this case worth more than $25,000?
At the hearing, I explained to Judge Chaffee that I had three reasons. First, that I was seeking Punitive Damages entitling me to an award approximating 1/3 of the Defendant’s net worth. I pointed out that Public Storage is a Fortune 500 Company. He corrected me and explained that the limits are up to 1/6th of the net worth. Second, I told him that I would eventually seek “Class Action Status” recognizing that many other renters such as myself were certainly aggrieved. Third, I said, that because I was a Pro Per Litigator (self-represented), it would serve me best if I was protected by stricter rules and evidence standards provided by the Unlimited Jurisdiction.
Before adjourning, Judge Chaffee ordered the Defendant to serve notice of the ruling. My understanding was that the case will be consolidated at the Unlimited Jurisdiction but will wait for the formal ruling after Judge Chaffee reviews all the papers from the other court.