His name is Roy and he lives in a retirement community in Laguna Hills called “Leisure World”. After several informal meetings with him, I came to understand why he was doing legal research. One time he invited me to his house to show me stacks and stacks of documents, copies and other literature that he had gathered himself implicating “Board of Directors” of his community in a number of illegal acts.
There are two things I look for in people: “Passion” – having something you care deeply about and “Courage” – having the ability to do something that frightens you. Roy lacked neither. He told me about one board meeting where he brought his grievances to the public and was later accosted by security officials who demanded that he leave. Generally, people his age would be averse to anything remotely resembling a fight. Yet, there he was spending his time and energy preparing what is now surely developing into a Federal Case based on HUD Statutes and the violation of his Civil Rights.
I found his case fascinating. A huge block of our population, 78 Million, born between 1946 and 1964 called the Baby Boomers is now retiring in droves. Some statistics I’ve seen shows that every 10 seconds a Baby Boomer turns 60 years old. Many of these individuals will be moving into retirement communities not unlike Roy’s and have their rights compromised if not outright violated. The action that we are now preparing will prevent many of these things from happening in the future.
I’ll establish a page on this blog that catalogs all the actions that I am involved in. I’ve resolved to participate in cases like Roy’s and others that have the distinct power to make changes in our society. I’ll post that page before the end of the week.