Four years ago today, the RJ blog was born ...

We want to invoke the 10th Amendment and place squarely in the hands of state governments, local police and law enforcement agencies the responsibility of law enforcement and the policing of their communities. We want to abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
It was exactly four years ago to the day when our first blog post on ROBERTS|JUSTICE was published. It was at the "Neighborhood Cup" in the City of Aliso Viejo, California one afternoon. I was already homeless and sought a way to tell my story and have my voice heard. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine my struggles would last this long, nor did I think that I would be confronted by the questions that I now struggle with. I began my adventures thinking that I had a once in a lifetime opportunity to beat the judicial establishment at their game. Little did I know that I would one day step into a veritable Hornet's nest and become a subject of the FBI's counter-intelligence disruptive operations intent on keeping my story from the public arena. There was not even a slight clue that I would end up chasing information that would lead me to even bigger, substantially more complex and profound questions. For instance, I now grapple with a troubling question that goes to the heart of this country's founding principles - Are we a system of laws or are we a system of powerful institutions and individuals?

One of America's most deserved attribute is the way in which its government is structured. The founding fathers created a system of checks and balances among the branches of government to ensure that not one could amass too much power and influence. They were to be independent of each other and serve as countervailing forces. But after discovering evidence of collusion between the judicial branch and the law enforcement community, the notion of "a shining beacon of hope" was put into question. I was immeasurably disappointed and felt incredibly let down. I had no choice but to fight back and to seek a redress, which I do so to this day. Today, I am not only astounded by the FBI's callous acts of depravity that have accumulated over time but I am also angered by the results of their actions, having done so with absolute impunity. By any definition, they were the embodiment of perfect criminals - committing and then investigating their own crimes, doing so with an air of respectability.

Being that I am an agnostic and a self-proclaimed independent thinker, I genuinely believe that America is my last best hope on earth. So, what first started as mere advocacy for my constitutional rights eventually morphed into a battle for my very existence and the right to lead a life without excessive compromises to meet the designs of the state - that being my freedom of religion or my right to be without. There is simply no other place on this earth that will accept me for my beliefs without much consternation.

So, what began as an education about the law turned into the development of amateur counter-intelligence skills - of spotting and defending against "FBI micro-operations". The study of case laws at public libraries also became field exercises in observing FBI operatives and their operations. Because of my desire to expose their unlawful activities, I was always a subject of their surveillance. I have since learned to deploy some very crude systems of counter-intelligence work. The reading about Marbury v. Madison and the Dred Scott decisions went side by side with learning about law enforcement and  intelligence operation techniques. I often refer to the storytelling of the FBI's most flattering accomplishments by Ronald Kessler in my materials. From all that, I was able to distill certain operational habits that have been passed down from the earliest FBI agents to the modern crime fighter.  

There is a propensity for the artsy and of leaving coded messages about their work for the benefit of posterity. There was a story about a phony FBI business named James Rico Construction Consulting in NY that served as a liaison between the labor-unions and the criminal underworld in the '70s. RICO is a body of laws written to combat organized crime. It stands for Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization. Naming their enterprise in such a manner was a touch of gutsy that stems from a kind of you suffer fools type of a culture, certain they were smarter than the targets of their investigations. That kind of inside-joke, fraternity way of conducting business persists today. I won't name specific individuals. However, to make my point I will name pets belonging to a number of their operatives, which follows along this DNA of FBI ridiculousness - Rico, Oreo, Sadie, Gunner, Vinnie "Joe Pesci lawyer character" (later changed because it's too obvious) - all of which have significance in my life, my work and to their investigations. The undercover names of their agents are even the more bewildering and essentially gives away the farm.

The earliest iteration of the ROBERTS|JUSTICE tagline was "He was an Entrepreneur, until they threw him one wicked curve-ball. Then, he became his own Trial Lawyer." Guess who moves into my small American town looking for baseballs? It was a man who spent the early mornings walking the perimeter of baseball fields collecting used baseballs for sale on Ebay. It was our man Jim who claimed to have received a law degree from UCLA and was hell bent on doing business with me. That short-lived friendship ended in court but have yet to be resolved because he couldn't be served with the complaint and summons. (READ HIS STORY BELOW)

We've all heard of the long standing promise by the Canadian Mounties - "We always get our man." That also seems to be an operative phrase at the FBI, although not true to its original meaning. The Canadian Mounties are known for their relentless style of investigating that results in a very high percentage of criminal apprehension. To the FBI that saying has a more sinister connotation, however. It means that they will eventually punish their target one way or another and it isn't necessarily for the crime that originally triggered the investigation. One of the most famous recipients of this outlandish style of crime-fighting is Al Capone. After lambasting him in the press as a murderous sociopath, supposedly responsible for killing unknown numbers of individuals, the FBI threw him in jail for tax evasion. None of the alleged murders were ever proven in court. If modern investigative methods were brought to bear, it might very well turn out that his accountant, who cooked the books for the Capone crime organization, was an FBI plant who did so under orders from the FBI office. It also follows that they, the FBI, may have been responsible for the alleged killings as well, through their direction or their own commission. Hence the saying, "We always get our man."

In my case, the FBI organized a clean-up crew from the New York Field Office to keep their illegal activities under wraps. So far they have done their professional best to make sure not a single word about my story gets out. The jamming and misdirecting of my blog entries and published materials are legendary for its sophistication and effectiveness. Our twitter account @robertsjustice is effectively jammed. That account received its last message on 18th November 2011, preventing us from answering questions from our readers. 

If they discovered how the FBI really works, Americans will be so incensed about the waste of tax dollars and violations of the constitution that reforms will certainly be demanded. Large governmental bureaucracies are averse to such changes. And if they get past the initial scare of what might happen if they went against Uncle Sam, Americans may require a reckoning of sorts. For the Bureau that would be an absolute disaster. Opening up their vaults might have unintended consequences they are at a loss to mitigate. It might cause the airing of all their secretive and misguided adventures, a number of which would certainly be the sanctioned defacing of the constitution. Why, for instance, has the Fast and Furious investigation taken substantially longer than the JFK Assassination investigations did? Consider that many Americans now believe President Kennedy's death was not the work of a lone gunman. Which law enforcement organization was primarily tasked with that investigation? Such a tremendous undertaking of collusion and cover-ups require the participation of the FBI. That is why the investigation was handed to an independent commission that essentially rubber stamped the storylines. The same arms-length pattern can be discerned from the Official 9/11 Report. The commission simply took what was given to them by the FBI spin-meisters. Had any one of them walked through the Pentagon or the Pennsylvania field where one of the planes supposedly crashed and did their due diligence, the investigators would have known that large commercial airliners were not involved in those crashes.  

There is ample information in the public domain about individuals of expertise and unimpeachable motives who question the conclusions of these investigations. If the outright lies aren't enough, they've somehow found a way to pass one of the most oppressive body of laws in the history of this country to continue their assault on civil liberties. Oddly enough, they call it the "US Patriot's Act." All these actions triggered two foreign wars, massive expenditures that led to unsustainable debts to the point that neither taxing nor borrowing are enough to clean the nation's balance sheet. The country is now printing money without anything to back it with except the promise of future generations to pay for it. They call this Quantitative Easing and it may prove to be the most difficult challenge this country will ever encounter.

The allure of an adventure is that you'll never know what you'll see until you actually get there. Because of what we have seen so far, we have since expanded our mission at ROBERTS|JUSTICE. When we began our adventures, we sought the complete overhaul of the American legal system by creating systems and procedures of jurisprudence expressly for the self-represented parties. We want, in effect, to level the playing field so that a case is decided on its merits and not by who has the deepest pockets. Because of the enormity of the problems and the wayward system that we discovered, we now amend our mission in hopes of bringing to fruition the spirit and meaning of the US Constitution. We want to invoke the 10th Amendment and place squarely in the hands of state governments, local police and law enforcement agencies the responsibility of law enforcement and the policing of their communities. We want to abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Having said that, we sincerely believe that it will be an amazing next four years at ROBERTS|JUSTICE. And for as long as air courses through our lungs, we will continue telling you our stories.