Rest in Peace, Senator Kennedy

The last of the Kennedy Brothers died on the 26th of August 2009 after a short and valiant battle with brain cancer. You cannot mention Ted without somehow touching on the memories of his other siblings who died of violent deaths reminding us of the cost of serving one’s own country – Joe to a secret mission during World War II, Kate to a plane crash, Jack and Bobby to guns and bullets.

In the 77 years of his life, there were certainly many occurrences that earned him both the disapproval of his detractors and the praise of his allies. We at RobertsJustice wish to post this short video as we find in him the very traits that we value the most – the willingness to fight for what we believe in and the ability to have some fun along the way.

We were not always in agreement with the Senator’s politics. Nevertheless, he earned our respect for his important work on reforming the justice system, a task which we will now continue. We want to thank the Senator for his service and for reminding us that life is a full contact sport and we just need to lighten up.

May you rest in peace, Senator.