Good News and Bad News

First, the good news. To my great delight, I’ve been able to find work and a constant stream of income. It gives me the feeling that I am, slowly but surely, moving up in the world and delivering myself from indigence. I’ve contracted to do marketing work in the mornings bringing me a very modest income of approximately $720 per month. What that does is it gives me enough money to cover my expenses and it gives me back my afternoons to do legal work. I’ve also been able to find a safe place to sleep at night. I’ve been camping out in my friend’s backyard for about two weeks now. I’ve gotten so used to living outdoors that I’ve actually enjoyed it. Imagine lying in your bed and gazing at the stars. The mild Southern California summers will allow you to do that. The change in sleeping arrangement has taken away the worry of someone sneaking up on me – a constant worry when I was sleeping at parks and other public places. And those sprinklers are ridiculous. I’ve counted at least a couple of times waking up in the middle of the night because the sprinklers went off on me.
Currently, we are working on “Roy’s Law” – the case against the Board of Directors of a retirement community initiated by our friend Roy McLain. Initially, we wanted to file the case earlier this month. But as we developed our case, we discovered violations of federal statutes, giving the case jurisdictional standing in the US Courts. These discoveries delayed our filing, as we had to determine the best course of action, particularly taking into consideration our very limited budget. In the end, we decided to file the case in the Superior Court which we will do this Monday afternoon.
Now, the bad news. I haven’t been able to keep up on my blogging particularly this month’s installment of the “Funny Blog Series”. This is the consequence of the work and caseload we now have. But, as I adjust to my new schedule, I have reason to believe that I will increase my writing output and keep a prolific pace. The quality of the writing improves the more opportunity there is to edit the work. Blogging and off the cuff writing is the anti-thesis of this. I’ve had a chance to read some of the entries I’ve written in the past and found errors or corrections that I didn’t spot the first time around. The more time I have for an entry, the better the quality of the blog. Nevertheless, I will endeavor to keep writing; everyday if time permits to keep our readers up to date with the many exciting projects we have at RobertsJustice.
So, I end with my apologies for not being able to post this month’s installment of the “Rich & Nina Story”. In all honesty, I haven’t even started on the continuation to last month's episode. I will certainly make it up to you in future installments.