Pres. Reagan's Birthday (A Tweet Bundle)

A hundred and one years ago today a great president, Ronald Wilson Reagan, was born. A century seems like an eternity, yet in an odd way, we are still learning more about him today - finding, for instance, that his economic policies are still relevant in today’s global and real-time digital economy. To what extent and how it can be applied in today’s dynamics can be debated, but it’s usefulness certainly cannot be denied.

Below are a series of tweets that I posted on my personal account - @robertlacambra. The Time Magazine articles that are a part of this bundle were published a year ago. Timely or not, it depends on your perspective - I will leave it up to you to decide. But if you are in a position of influence, it may offer a perspective on some of the challenges that this country is grappling with today.

  • THE REAGAN FISCAL: (1) Reduce Taxes (2) Reduce Spending (3) Deregulation (4) Stable Money -
  • A YEAR AGO Obama was on the cover of Time Magazine. What did he see in Reagan? -  
  • TIME COVER FLASHBACK. A year ago President Obama was on its cover posing with President Reagan - Why Obama Loves Reagan -
  • IS OBAMA MORE like Reagan or Carter? He cites Reagan while taking the country away from Reagan-era policies -
  • ANGER TOWARDS the government on the increase - Silents, Boomers and Gen Xers frustrated at federal gov't -