Christmas is one of the most important days of the year for me. When I look back and remember growing up the last few weeks of the year that mark the Christmas Season, I end up with nostalgic feelings - of home made food, laughter and familial cheer. Music was always an important part of that experience. In those days music was heard from vinyl records, with the sounds of dust, scratches and all. It made me realize how long ago it has been when I remember that my children have never even heard music played from a vinyl record. Their generation took a huge technological leap and are now acquiring music by MP3 downloads. So, I thought it would be fun to find the digitally remastered version of some of the music of my parent's generation that I heard and sang to growing up around Christmas time. If you are a part of that generation you’ll find these songs sound a little different – crisper and clearer, thanks to the dynamic range of digital recording. And if knowledge of these songs betray your age, your age matters little. The message of the season is universal and is as old as humanity itself. It is one of good cheer, of peace on earth and goodwill towards others. I hope you enjoy these gems I found on the Internet and with it wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.