On Monday the 14th, I have a "Notice to Appear" hearing for Lacambra vs. Glass et al for not appearing at the last Case Management Conference. This poses an interesting challenge because I have to prove that I actually had a flu without a physician’s corroboration. I haven't seen a doctor in years and didn't see a need to do so at the time. Besides, my financial situation simply prevented it. My hope is that the judge will take my word for it, as I do not have a witness who can make the declaration of that fact on my behalf.
On Tuesday the 15th, I have a "Hearing for Sanctions" on Lacambra vs. First Team Realty et al for not appearing for a Deposition. This should be an interesting hearing as well and should give notice to the judge about the kind of nasty lawyerly tricks that I have been getting from this law firm. On a previous moving paper – Opposition to Demurrer, I made it clear to the court and the opposition that I was rendered homeless by their client’s refusal to pay commissions owed to me. The operative word is “homeless”. Yet, the papers were sent to my old address despite their knowledge of the existence of my PO Box. Of course, we can never tell how the court will respond to this fact – that the opposition served me papers at the address that I was evicted from. Technically that’s called “Defective Service” That’s just a very unprofessional way to ensure that I am unable to serve a timely response. I can only hope the judge favors my position.
On Friday the 15th, I have another hearing on Lacambra vs Glass et al. This time, the attorney is seeking sanctions for what she considers an infringement of her rights because I failed to ask the court’s permission before I added her to the First Amended Complaint. I added another person besides her without the court’s permission – my sister-in-law's sister for “Interference of a Contract”. In a comedic twist, the lawyer applied a double standard by taking on my sister-in-law’s sister's case and immediately responded by Demurrer instead of a Motion for Sanctions. That is to say, the complaint is good on her client in so far as she can get paid but not on herself. Obviously, the lawyer is now trying to maneuver her way out of the lawsuit hoping along the way the judge will throw the book at me. I got my mail today and received a note from the Sheriff’s Department explaining that the lawyer could not be served with the Complaint because she was “evasive” – the exact words the Sheriff used. I can see her hiding behind the door with all her lights turned off as the Sheriff knocked on her door. She apparently works out of her house.
So, that’s just a sample of what my week is like in the always-fascinating world of law.
On Tuesday the 15th, I have a "Hearing for Sanctions" on Lacambra vs. First Team Realty et al for not appearing for a Deposition. This should be an interesting hearing as well and should give notice to the judge about the kind of nasty lawyerly tricks that I have been getting from this law firm. On a previous moving paper – Opposition to Demurrer, I made it clear to the court and the opposition that I was rendered homeless by their client’s refusal to pay commissions owed to me. The operative word is “homeless”. Yet, the papers were sent to my old address despite their knowledge of the existence of my PO Box. Of course, we can never tell how the court will respond to this fact – that the opposition served me papers at the address that I was evicted from. Technically that’s called “Defective Service” That’s just a very unprofessional way to ensure that I am unable to serve a timely response. I can only hope the judge favors my position.
On Friday the 15th, I have another hearing on Lacambra vs Glass et al. This time, the attorney is seeking sanctions for what she considers an infringement of her rights because I failed to ask the court’s permission before I added her to the First Amended Complaint. I added another person besides her without the court’s permission – my sister-in-law's sister for “Interference of a Contract”. In a comedic twist, the lawyer applied a double standard by taking on my sister-in-law’s sister's case and immediately responded by Demurrer instead of a Motion for Sanctions. That is to say, the complaint is good on her client in so far as she can get paid but not on herself. Obviously, the lawyer is now trying to maneuver her way out of the lawsuit hoping along the way the judge will throw the book at me. I got my mail today and received a note from the Sheriff’s Department explaining that the lawyer could not be served with the Complaint because she was “evasive” – the exact words the Sheriff used. I can see her hiding behind the door with all her lights turned off as the Sheriff knocked on her door. She apparently works out of her house.
So, that’s just a sample of what my week is like in the always-fascinating world of law.