They were the FBI from a New York Field Office

Today marks the third year anniversary of the RobertsJustice blog. And this morning I am where it all started – at an independently owned cafe in Aliso Viejo, California called “The Neighborhood Cup”. Many changes at the Cup have occurred since that first blog entry including a change of ownership and a major re-design of the interior. I am sitting at the precise spot I penned my first blog entry but instead of sitting in a chair and table, I am sitting on a leather sofa. The old furnishings were replaced to accommodate more patrons and to bring in a whole new feel and ambiance to the place. Unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture of the cafe to show our readers a before and after view because when my computer bag was stolen in October, my Mac G4 and Nikon camera went along with it. Fortunately, I was able to replace the computer but the camera may take a little while longer to replace because of financial limitations.

Three new developments are worth reporting on this special anniversary. First, I just recently acquired a vehicle – a 1988 Dodge Ram 350 for $500. The gentleman who sold it to me lives in a van conversion and came upon this clunker through a trade. He agreed to sell it to me for no money down with installment payments of $100 each. I took possession of the vehicle two days ago with the help of an acquaintance, Dennis, who drove the van for me from the Von's Market at the other side of town to the Aliso Viejo Library where it is parked now. My license was revoked by the State of California for failure to pay child-support payments. I haven't had the reason to get one until now. The way laws are in California, it will require me to file a case in court to compel the state to explain why my license was revoked using an action called “Writ of Alternative Mandate”. How utterly ridiculous and counter-productive that piece of legislation is will be a subject of another blog in the future. To think that a state should take away a person's right to drive and the opportunity to be a productive member of society without proving he or she is actually a danger on the roads and highways is absolute buffoonery. The legislators know it and we, the public know it, yet nothing is being done to correct it. So, we will see about that.

Then, there were two pieces of information revealed to me that I have since assessed as being credible. I was approached by a person who introduced herself as an undercover FBI agent sympathetic to me cause. She said that she is a computer expert and had direct access to all the work that I have produced on my computers. She intimated that the case that was being built against me was mostly a fabrication. Then, there was another individual who indirectly communicated to me as I was sitting on a bench at the Ralph's Supermarket early one evening. He revealed to me, under no uncertain terms, that the group assembled to work my case was originally from a New York Field Office. The recent revelations and embarrassing information now coming to light have made the FBI Orange County subjects of scrutiny and embarrassment that they have since asked the contingent from New York to leave the OC. This actually explains the presence of the “UN Women” and a number of interesting characters working undercover trying to pass as Californians. Trust me when I say this: Nobody gets California, dude.

So, in a nutshell, it has been an interesting three years. We at RobertsJustice look forward to many more. Thank you for reading my blog. If I fail to make regular posts as I wish, it is only because the volume of work has prevented me from doing so. But what I can say is this: This whole adventure has become more and more interesting as I go further along that it will doubtless define my life's work.

... changed to protect the perpetrators

The dominant purpose of the First Amendment was to prohibit the widespread practice of government suppression of embarrassing information. (Justice William O. Douglas)
Within the law enforcement and intelligence community, the FBI has a pervasively unprofessional and amateurish reputation. It isn’t any wonder, then, that this whole thing is fast becoming an embarrassment for them. The very institution that is tasked with protecting this country from enemies foreign and domestic is turning out to be a second rate organization driven by self-interest, consumed by moral decay and ill-equipped for today’s challenges.

My mind is still reeling in disbelief from what the FBI’s Chief of Counter-Intelligence William Sullivan said about to their investigation of Martin Luther King Jr. He said that “No holds were barred” and that they used the same techniques against Soviet spies and intelligence operatives. In his own defense, MLK was a Baptist Minister and didn’t know the first thing about intelligence work or tradecraft, much less be able to protect against it. That’s comparable to the "Army Green Berets" squaring off against the "Boy Scouts". Unfortunately, that really isn't an isolated incident. It was just that there were enough unanswered questions that required a Senate investigation in the ‘70s. My own modest research and discovery efforts have, thus far, uncovered instances where the FBI used intelligence techniques meant for spies on regular Americans - lawyers, accountants, celebrities, musicians, entrepreneurs and in the case of MLK, religious leaders. Many of whom have no knowledge that they were subjects of an FBI investigation. And most are still asking why they have suffered such horrendous setbacks in their lives not knowing they were victims of the FBI’s disruptive technologies.

Something deep inside me wants to believe there are many more professionals working at the FBI than there are “morons”. There really isn’t any other way to describe them. So, the task of making this information available came with great apprehension which led me to a path of responsible disclosure. Statutes that prohibit exposing information about the FBI follow a common theme - to protect FBI agents and their families from harm; to keep secure sensitive national security information; to ensure other individuals are not deprived their rights; to prevent from making public law enforcement and counter-intelligence techniques etc. The challenge is in retelling the FBI’s misadventures as I experienced it without compromising their safety or giving away their law enforcement techniques. Considering they are supposed to be protecting the public, you can see why I find that laughable.

So, I have taken incredible lengths to protect the identities of the agents that I have encountered. Many of whom are decent individuals who are clearly being led very poorly. However, as a citizen I had to balance it with my responsibility of keeping my government accountable - to me and to the public at large. As you read my stories, it will prompt you to ask a number of questions:
Are we really that safe from enemies foreign and domestic?  
Considering the incredible capacity for injury, are we safe from the FBI?

So, here’s fair warning: In the continuing "MLK Series" and the other disclosures which I will call "The FBI Misadventures", names and certain facts have been slightly altered to protect the perpetrators (not the innocent). As much as I wanted to name names, I am still a Patriot and will let the legal system sort this out at the upcoming trial - Lacambra v. FBI et al.

Another confrontation at the Cup

Saturday evening at about 730PM. I was the Cup working on my computer and listening to the live music. I stepped out for a few minutes to stretch out and get some fresh air. On the way back, Aaron, the son of the previous owner (the Cup is under new ownership) was outside. I said, Hello. A simple and cordial conversation turned into another macho display. “We can’t have that”. He was referring to the fight the other day with a gentleman who was playing his computer too loudly. “I can’t have my sister and the girls getting between men and fights. And one of the ladies said that you got behind the counter and got snippy with them because you didn’t get your order.” Off course, none of what he said was true. I let loose of the guy who I had in a headlock. Furthermore, I have never crossed the line that places a person behind the counter. I told him that he should come to me whenever there is such an accusation. It was way after the fact and I could not question my accuser. I also said, “You have the tape why don’t you look at it?” The cafe has a surveillance system that records activities behind the counter. It would have been easy to resolve.

His family, after 6 years of running the Cup, decided to sell the business. Running a cafe is a tough thing to do during a recession. I would think that people would be averse to purchasing a $4.00 cup of specialty coffee under those circumstances. That is not a mystery. I am aware of many restaurant closures as a result of this. What perplexes me is the hostile conditions that he is now trying to create considering I have been a great customer for over three years. 
Here’s what I know: His father, Steve, works for a lab run by none other than the Department of Justice (DOJ). The thing is, the FBI, my nemesis, falls under the umbrella of the DOJ. So, I can't help but ask - Was he under orders to instigate something with me? Is he trying to get me kicked out before he departs - a scorched earth tactic? Stay tuned. I have a feeling there will be a final confrontation before he leaves.

Delayed Publication of the MLK Part IV

Punctuality is the courtesy of Kings. Very seldom am I  late for anything. It has been an old habit despite my tendency to over-commit. I’ve been working on the next installment of the MLK Series and even with my best efforts, I just couldn’t finish it on time. I usually work until 11PM but I was feeling off last night and quickly fell asleep after I left the Cup and got to my sleeping spot. I have been feeling under the weather making it quite a challenging day for writing. I’ve already consumed half a packet of "Halls Triple Soothing Action Menthols" to ease the symptoms. The material that I am producing is better than blogging quality, creating a challenge during revision. I have a rule about blogging that limits my entries to one word processing page per entry. However, the story requires a lengthier narration to give it its due. Hence, I must seek your indulgence and allow the process to take its course. In return, I will endeavor to regale you with my adventures as a target of some of the most talented seducers in the FBI arsenal. I only say that because I have fallen victim to them before, many many years ago.

Here’s an excerpt:

Two things occurred that quickly confirmed my suspicions. She would not have her picture taken and she could never tell me where she lived. That told me that she had other victims so I had to be extremely careful, more careful than I have ever been before. It was an interesting battle of wits - a woman who is bent on having her target wrapped around her fingers and feeding off her hands. On the other side of the skirmish line was a man who made a serious vow of celibacy. When I told her that I was celibate, she looked to the heavens and said, “Thanks, God”. I looked to the ground, in the general direction of hell and thought to myself, if I rode that honey trap there would be 5,000 volts between my legs and my nuts would be roasted almonds.

Is there a lie here somewhere?

A group of individuals interested in marketing their business approached me recently. Much of the details will be left out to protect their identities (for now) except to say that they were thinking of telling my story of indigence and co-branding their company. A meeting convened and after an interview and a brain-storming session plans were drawn up to pursue a PR Campaign.

On the 13th of March the Press Release went out. As specified on an email, the one page release was supposed to have been sent to The Associated Press, OC Register, Coast Magazine, OC Family and ABC, CBS, NBC. As the following email thread will show there are three possible scenarios that may have occurred:

  • It was not sent out by the PR Professional (They lied)
  • It was sent out but it was electronically blocked by the FBI
  • It was sent out, received by the media but was ignored.
There is no way of counting the many times people have told me they could not access my website. And on a number of occasions  strange things have occurred to my Facebook and Twitter accounts that, in effect, limited or censured messages that were sent out. So, when an email informing me that the press was not interested in my story, it wasn’t a bit surprising. In fact, suspicion that her email transmissions were blocked by the FBI ran high.

Follow the thread and see what you think.

(A copy of the actual piece has not been received by Robert)
March 13, 2011 9:29:19 PM PDT
The press release has gone out to The Associated Press, OC Register, Coast Magazine, OC Family and ABC, CBS, NBC and I have had no bites from anyone as of last week. I have followed up via telephone as well as have had no calls returned either. I think that I have officially lost my touch in the PR arena or at least have no "weight" with these people anymore without an official organization that I am calling from. I am so very disappointed in this reaction. I would like to give it one more round of calls and re-faxing to these folks and see if we can get a bite this week as well. Then, we will need to come up with plan B.
My deepest apologies for not having better news for you. The bottom line is that you are doing a great deed and I do think that it is newsworthy. The timing may be after the fact as opposed to now????
Mar 21, 2011 at 8:52 PM
That was entirely expected. As I mentioned to you, I am being targeted by the FBI, Sheriff's Department and other agencies that find it in their interest to keep this story off the mainstream media. Current technologies make it easy to suppress data transmissions electronically resulting in intercepted messages that never get in the hands of its intended recipients. You should already know that by now. More importantly you sent your packet without my prior approval as we had previously agreed. Therefore, I must ask that you stop sending any information that pertains to me or any of my work. In the event that any members of the media were to contact you, you are instructed to forward all inquiries to me via electronic transmission. You are not to answer any questions for or in my behalf. Further dissemination of information may be construed as defaming to my character or to my work which potentially may be subject(s) to an action in civil court of competent jurisdiction.
Mar 21, 2011 at 9:34 PM
You saw the last draft. Was there something wrong in it?
Mar 22, 2011 at 8:49 AM
I will not send any further information out to any of the press agencies. I believe that the reason they are not responding is because the Earthquake and Tsunami hit at the same time that the story was sent out. Human tragedy always trumps human interest stories. I wrote the press release using only your first name so that your identity would be anonymous for the very reason that you stated. I apologize for not seeking approval first, as I wrote the release weighing heavily on the humanitarian efforts of the dental professionals as opposed to your plight. I will abide by your request to have all inquiries directed to you should there be any. It is my sincere hope that you are able to achieve all that you set out to do. Be well Robert.
Mar 22, 2011 at 1:01 PM
As you may be aware, an action is currently in the process of being crafted against the FBI, OCSD and other organizations for violations of certain civil rights. The information that you have forwarded to the press community is material to this action. Having said that, herewith is a formal request for you and your organization to preserve and protect the integrity of any and all communication(s) made to the press community. This will include, but is not limited to, email, handwritten drafts, notes, facsimile copies, and other correspondences relating to the public relations campaign for Robert Lacambra, RobertsJustice and all other organizations that may have been mentioned. You are also instructed to forward the names of the organizations and people that you have sent a press kit to; the exact times in which you forwarded this information; the originating phone number or fax number; the recipients name(s), email address, phone number and/or email addresses; the names of the organization or associations in which any and all information was forwarded to. You may forward this at this time or await my formal requests as soon as the case(s) have been lodged.

There are ample case laws that specify the duty of the parties and non-parties to a legal action to preserve evidence. In Toste v. Lewis Controls Inc., the court held the following:

" ... the court delineated the scope of the litigant's duty to preserve evidence: While a litigant is under no duty to keep or retain every document in its possession once a complaint is filed, it is under a duty to preserve what it knows, or reasonably should know, is relevant in the action, is reasonably calculated to lead to discovery of admissible evidence." (Toste v. Lewis Controls, Inc. 1996 WL 101189 (N.D. Cal. Feb 27, 1996)

Likewise, be well.
March 22, 2011 1:01 PM
Nothing that was sent out identifies you at all. The press release identifies 00. 000000 and 0000000 you are not a party to the campaign. Furthermore, I am not involved in an organization; I wrote a story about two 00000000000000000000 who were doing a good deed in their community as a favor to them.

Somewhere in this story there exists a fib!

MLK FILES (PART III) Why I think the women on the MLK Sex Tapes were FBI assets

You pick up the phone. “Hello”, you say. Your smile turns frigid. All you can hear is a voice, the sounds of love-making, the cries of ecstasy, of pleasure. You listen for a moment. “Hello”, you repeat your greeting. “Hello”. “Hello”. You listen some more, straining your ear trying to recognize the voice. Then, it begins to register - it is the distinct sound of your own wife. You call her name - again and again and again. Then, the phone falls silent. Dial tone.  
“Even now in heaven there are angels carrying savage weapons.” (St. Paul)

I have never shared that intensely agitating episode of my life with anyone. It occurred before I knew I was the subject of a federal investigation. I never confronted my now ex-wife about it nor did I even give her an idea that I received such a phone call. Whoever did that knew what they were doing. The intended effect was emotional devastation and to alienate affections. And because we are now divorced, one can argue that the phone call and the other events that comprised the operation, many of which I have no clear understanding at this time, worked superbly.

On the day I divorced, I made a personal vow to live a life of complete celibacy for the number of years I was married - 10 years. When I divorced in December of 2002, I was already celibate for one year. That promise held me in good stead as I became a subject of the FBI’s unrelenting arsenal of tactics that included the use of what is referred to as the “UN Women” (United Nations Women) - women who are trained to seduce men of power - enemies of the state, dignitaries, leaders and influential individuals - into compromised positions making them susceptible to subtle coercive requests or outright blackmail. The toolkit of operation has many dimensions to it that includes the flexibility of causing marital and familial strife designed to create intense levels of stress and duress to render a person ineffective in certain areas of their life. In the most extreme cases DNA is collected after sexual activity and planted in crime scenes.

The “UN Women’s” most valuable use is it’s particular effectiveness in influencing elections - here and abroad. The moment an individual makes a hint of pursuing a life of high office, they potentially become a target. To these women, this is a way of life, a sport and a source of professional pride. Simply consider the many governments that have been brought down by public embarrassment and the many political careers that have been ruined by scandal. Some of these women do it out of a warped sense of patriotism. Others do it under powerful psychological dependencies having been adopted and/or raised by parents whose life work is defined by their ability to potentially change the course of history. If explained in such terms, it is, for a woman or a man, a compelling life devoid of the depreciating stigma of prostitution. Those who practice this art at a supreme level accomplish their intended goals without even going to bed with their target. Their highest goal is to place their target in a position where they are potentially manipulated or potentially discredited.

I started using the Neighborhood Cup as my office around the end of April 2008. Except for very rare occasions, I have been going there almost every day, 7 days a week. In the span of those three years, I have been subjected to every kind of sexual advances and unsuccessful attempts at placing me in compromising positions - from a married woman seducing me into an extra-marital affair to what appeared to have been an underaged girl making sexual hints and every type of women in between. I instinctively sense an ulterior motive behind the amorous advances because after three years on the streets I am at my most unattractive - usually unshaven, unbathed, malodorous, pony-tail clad and missing two front teeth. (I have since lost one dental appliance and a front crown when I bit into a pork-chop).

The primary goal, from what I can determine, is to bring me into the FBI’s influence using the affections of a woman and the dynamics of a relationship to limit my options or direct the course of my future. Of particular interest are the potential liabilities associated with my civil action against the bureau that by their calculations are now all but imminent.

The secondary goal is to make me appear to be a different person than I am - someone unpalatable to the press or to a jury when my case finally goes to trial. The profile of choice is a person with a mental illness, to devalue or completely discredit anything that I may say especially if it could embarrass the FBI.

On many of my readings about the MLK sex tape incidents, Dr. King was experiencing extreme levels of stress and had sexual relations as a form of release. These are known to be conditions that make a man susceptible to temptations - to a warm conversation, a dinner, a massage and then finally “one thing leads to another”. I can say this with authority because during my marriage, I succumbed to such temptations. There was one lady many years older than I was at the time whom I had sexual relations with and another who for years during my marriage I thought about constantly and who made future plans with me. Both of whom I place equal blame, together with myself, for destroying my marriage and both of whom I was able to verify recently were FBI assets. These were affairs that I have confessed to my ex-wife many years ago not knowing that they were all the handy-work of the FBI. I share this openly on my blog to mitigate the potential of their intended designs, and hoping most earnestly that the truth shall set me free.

MLK Jr. and I are proud members of the “FBI Tormented Club”.


MLK FILES (Part II) The Sex Tapes

In 1976, The US Senate published a report called the “FINAL REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE TO STUDY GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS WITH RESPECT TO INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES”. The first paragraph of the report said:
From December 1963 until his death in 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was the target of an intensive campaign by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to "neutralize" him as an effective civil rights leader. In the words of the man in charge of the FBI's "war" against Dr. King: No holds were barred. We have used [similar] techniques against Soviet agents. [The same methods were] brought home against any organization against which we were targeted. We did not differentiate. This is a rough, tough business.
I came across this passage last year. It was dark and menacing that it grabbed me with such force. The words swirled in my head for hours, lodged itself in my consciousness and never withdrew from it. I can’t imagine what the Kings must have expereinced going through all that. The implications were so disturbing and spoke of the FBI targeting a civil rights leader as if he were an enemy of the state despite no clear evidence of violating any federal statutes. In an inquiry into the FBI’s handling of the “King Investigation”, Associate Deputy Director James B. Adams testified before the Senate:

MR. ADAMS: There were approximately twenty-five incidents of actions taken [to discredit Dr. King] ... I see no statutory basis or no basis of justification for the activity.
THE CHAIRMAN. Was Dr. King, in his advocacy of equal rights for black citizens, advocating a course of action that in the opinion of the FBI constituted a crime?
MR. ADAMS. No, sir.
THE CHAIRMAN. He was preaching non-violence was he not, as a method of achieving equal rights for black citizens?
MR. ADAMS. That's right ... Now as far as the activities which you are asking about, the discrediting, I know of no basis for that and I will not attempt to justify it.

From what information is available, it is reasonable to believe that Dr. King first got on the FBI’s radar around 1957. In 1960 a full-time executive tasked to direct efforts was assigned and finally in 1962 a full-fledged federal investigation was ordered.

The decision to discredit King was the result of the bureau’s analysis that led leaders there to believe that he may be under the influence of communists. Conversations intercepted as a result of wiretaps and listening devices did not bear this out, however. In fact, the only interest shared by the suspected communists and King were their mutual desire to advance civil rights for the blacks. The FBI’s failure to understand Fidel Castro’s revolution a few years back, believing at first that he was not a communist, was a cause of embarrassment to the bureau. On this occasion, they would not take any chances and the investigation of King continued. It was appended by the denouncement that “King was the most dangerous Negro of the future.”

On the 23rd of December 1963, FBI executives convened at the FBI Headquarters to consider proposals drawn up on ways to discredit King including the possible scenarios that would turn Mrs. King against him. Present were two agents from Atlanta, headquarters officials including Willliam C. Sullivan, Head of Domestic Counter-Intelligence. By that time the amount of information in the possession of the bureau from intercepts and other means of intelligence gathering about Dr. King were considerable. The bureau executives emerged from the meeting resolved to wait for the opportune time, intending to minimize any potential backlash on the bureau for publicly attacking a high profile civil rights leader.

The plan to wait for the right moment was soon scuttled after an explosive outburst by J. Edgar Hoover who wrote a scathing memo on November 24, 1964 berating his underlings, particularly Deputy Associate Director Alan Belmont. He wrote:

I can’t understand why we are unable to get the true facts before the public. We can’t even get our accomplishments published. We are never taking the aggressive, but above lies (i.e. Kings charges against the Bureau and Hoover) remain unanswered.
Responding to the memorandum and keyeing on the word “aggressive” used by Hoover, Sullivan ordered the FBI lab to produce a compilation of some of the most lustful audio recordings of Dr. King engaged in extra-marital activities. In all there are 16 known audio recordings from which the lab could develop the intended effect - to turn Mrs. King against Dr. King.

To complete the parcel, Sullivan composed a letter on untraceable and unwatermarked paper on an old untraceable typewriter. The letter was anonymously signed but appeared to have been written by a “Negro”. Together with the tape it was mailed to Dr. King’s office in Atlanta the very same day of Hoover’s outburst.

(ROBERT’S NOTE: I am appalled that such an important office - Domestic Counter-Intelligence - could be placed in the hands of an individual who is easily manipulated by insult.)

As calculated from operations plans prepared for just the occasion, the package was opened by Mrs. King who was in the habit of cataloging audio recordings of Dr. Kings speeches. After briefly listening to the recording and reading the note, Mrs. King came to realize that it was something more threatening requiring the counsel of her friends and a thoughtful explanation from Dr. King. The FBI proxy war pitting Mrs. King against Dr. King had begun. The note read:

King, look into your heart. You know, you are a complete fraud and a greater liability to all of us Negroes. White people in this country have enough frauds of their own but I am sure they don’t have one at this time that is anywhere near your equal. You are no clergyman and
you know it. I repeat that you are a colossal fraud and an evil, vicious one at that….
King, like all frauds your end is approaching. You could have been our greatest leader…. But you are done. Your honorary degrees, your Nobel Prize (what a grim farce) and other awards will not save you. King, I repeat you are done….
The American public, the church organizations that have been helping—Protestants, Catholics and Jews will know you for what you are—an evil beast. So will others
who have backed you. You are done.
King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do (this exact number has been selected for a specific reason, it has definite practical significance). You are done.
There is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy fraudulent self is bared to the nation.


There was more than enough opportunity to place all these alleged women of the night and home-wreckers within opportunity to seduce Dr. King. The fact finders at a Senate hearing determined that the FBI used a “No holds were barred” policy in dealing with Dr. King. Using prostitutes would certainly not be out of their bags of tricks. Given those facts, we offer the following questions to ponder:

  • Were the women on the MLK sex tapes FBI assets?
  • What types of assets were they?
  • Were they FBI agents?
  • Were they prostitutes paid or facilitated by the FBI?
  • Were they inmates that were given a way out of incarceration?
  • Where are all these women now?
If they were bureau assets and the FBI continues to engage in such deplorable tactics against Americans, the taxpayers have a right to be made aware.

TOMORROW - PART III - Why I think the women on the sex tapes were FBI assets.

CHAOS: I publish MLK and I get in a fight.

Isn’t it just a coincidence that right after I publish my article on the FBI, I get into a little scuffle.

I was working on my continuing series, The MLK Files, at the Neighborhood Cup this morning. A man that I have always found suspicious - wears tinted eye wear even indoors - but have always been acquainted with sat at the table next to me. At some point, he started listening to a “Youtube” clip about "CraigsList" without his earplugs on and had the volume a little too loud. I didn’t say anything at first expecting that it was just going to last for a minute or so. It actually lasted a lot longer. There were some people at the next table - a student and a tutor and  I noticed that the student was being annoyed.

“Don’t you have earplugs”, I asked him. “No”, he said. “Why does it bother you?”, he asked. “No, but the student over there might be, I said”. “I didn’t think this was the library”, he said even more defiantly. But there was a warmongering quality to his voice and it was directed at me. “You are an a**hole”, I said. “F**k you, you're an a**hole”, he replied. “Let’s bring it outside”, he said. I stood up and he grabbed me. I got him in a head-lock until the owner and the rest of the staff circled around us. “Robert, let go of him”, yelled Jennifer, the owner. I looked Jennifer in the face and saw the concern in her face. We separate, he pushes me as soon as I let him loose and he throws a weak punch hitting me in my head. At this point, I ended up falling backwards on my seat and kicked him but did not generate enough power to do anything because of a very confined space. The fight is broken up.

I waited for him outside and he would not step outside.

This is the same person who would walk to the coffee dispensers (as I was getting my re-fill) while awkwardly pretending as if we were engaged in a serious conversation and would steal coffee by using the complimentary water cups. I was so embarrassed that he did this in my presence one time that I used some of my loyalty points to purchase him a cup of coffee. Every now and again, since then, I have seen him with those paper water cups with steam coming out of it.

Jennifer asked him to move to another part of the cafe and I got my table back to resume my work - THE MLK FILES (Part II) The Sex Tapes.

From now on, every incident will be published on this blog and when my action against the FBI gets under way, I will ask every single one of these perpetrators under oath if they are in any way associated or employed by the FBI or any law enforcement agency. What are the chances they will throw the court a fib?

MLK FILES (Part I) - The FBI & MLK

Sometimes we wonder whether something horrendous that has been done to us is at all possible. Misery loves company. There is a yearning to feel a sense of belonging. We look for others who’ve experienced the same if for no other reason other than to know that we are not alone in our suffering.
Today is the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's assassination. When I started this blogging project I knew there was much to learn about his life but I was drawn to the mystery surrounding his death. I was particularly interested in finding out the extent to which the FBI investigated Martin Luther King Jr. - what tactics they employed to make sense of what has occurred in my own life after learning I was a subject of a federal investigation. It is by no means an attempt to compare or contrast my own life to a much greater man. Rather, it is to learn from his life so I can make my own better, taking direction from his teachings and his life’s work. Somehow, I think that is what he wanted for myself - to actualize my own personal “dreams” and that of my family’s.

The only thing that Dr. King and I have in common is that we are both members of the “FBI Tormented Club”, defined as individuals who the FBI investigated, but could not, would not or did not prosecute yet whose lives where left in absolute disarray as a result of their investigation and disruptive techniques. The similarities end there. So, to ascribe an elevation of my own stature or importance is a fault that the reader will have in their own hands.

Much has been written about Dr. King’s life and the times in which he lived. In the interest of brevity, I purposefully left much of those facts out, leaving only enough to create the proper context to understand the ideas and the arguments we are advancing. The reader can avail of excellent articles and journalistic works about his much studied life now largely available on the web.

The modern FBI trains their agents in the art of stealth and deception. The safety of their people depend on keeping their identities, activities and intentions hidden from easy discernment. As illustrated by Donnie Brasco, the federal agent that successfully infiltrated the Mafia, they are quite adept at changing identities. So, by design, an individual who is the subject of a federal investigation shouldn’t know that the person that he or she has befriended or have decided to conduct business with is a federal agent. If the Bureau’s mission is later modified to sabotage a person’s business, or create marital discord, or deploy any of their disruptive techniques, a target is not supposed to know it was the handy-work of the FBI.

Fourty-three years after the death of Dr. King, does the FBI still use the same techniques of investigation? Are disruptive technologies and tactics still a part of their operations set? If so, they may be meting to their targets “cruel and unusual punishment” barred by the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution. There is sharp disagreement whether the victim must be confined before they can invoke such rights. But the results are clear, whether Dr. King was in custody or not, he was most certainly a victim of an FBI sanctioned extra-judicial punitive action. So horrendous it was, in fact, one is left to wonder how rampant these deplorable FBI activities are today. We have no idea until we can open their books and try to answer the following questions:

(1) How many investigations did the FBI undertake in a given period?
(2) How many of those investigated by the FBI were indicted and punished?
(3) Of those who were not judicially punished, how many of them experienced the following?

  • lost their job(s)
  • their business mysteriously failed
  • contracted an illness
  • ended up divorced
  • got estranged from their family
  • became indigents
(4) How many of these failures can be attributed to the disruptions caused by the FBI Investigation?
(5) How many of these individuals knew that they were being investigated by the FBI?

If because of a federal investigation an individual experiences any of the failures above without being prosecuted, then they were victims of any number of deprivations protected by the US Constitution. If we ever find out the answers to these question, we will know whether or not the FBI is still being true to their mission of protecting the rights of Americans.


The First Weekend of April

The first quarter of the year is now behind us and things are beginning to heat up at RobertsJustice. We are currently preparing a piece about Martin Luther King Jr. who died on the 4th of April 1968 - exactly 43 years ago this coming week. When I started preparing this piece, I had a picture of what I wanted to accomplish - which amounted to merely cataloging documents and other journalistic work about the assassination of MLK. But as I delved into the research materials I realized it was a much bigger project than a blogger with very limited resources can produce competently. There were so many unanswered questions that it was almost disappointing. What the project really needs is a cross between investigative journalism and a formal proceeding with the power to subpoena individuals. Nevertheless, we were able to create something that a mere blogger should be expected to produce.

The questions that we came up with were interesting and like many unsolved mysteries that just gnaws on a person, it made me want to dig deeper. Perhaps, in the future I might be able to raise the resources and finally put all these questions to rest.

Look for our piece on Monday - on the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Robert's Briefing - Consolidating Tweets

I came from the mortgage banking industry and had a somewhat naive view of the legal industry. When my legal adventures started, I thought that litigation was wholly about advancing someone's rights. I've since found that it isn’t always true. In the eyes of many litigators, civil actions are a form of high stakes investing. You put in money and a lot of effort in hopes of realizing a return on your investment. A high profile civil case will cost upwards of $1Million just to get the case to trial. So, it is a wonder for many people I am acquainted with how it is that I can continue my work and live in this manner - an indigent.

I keep trying to convince people that I have a job. It’s just that I don’t have the income that goes along with the effort - at least for now. Unfortunately, there are only two ways for me to make money with any of my civil actions. I either have to settle or get my case through trial and secure a favorable verdict. I am now convinced, though, that not one of my cases will ever settle. That’s a function of my desire to have my story told in hopes that it prevents the same thing from happening to another individual. On the other side of the coin, my opposition - with all their high arrogance - will never let a little guy such as myself win in court.

So, while I struggle with my litigation work, I have to take odd jobs here and there just so that I can have my basic needs met. I spent the last couple of days producing a website and a proposal for a security and surveillance company after another friend showed him a website I was developing. That will be the third site that I will have developed. Amazingly, the whole thing has evolved  into a part-time business that may fund my legal battles.

In an effort to keep myself informed about current events, I recently established a “Twitter” account and began following over 500 individuals and companies. The information that goes through my account is simply impossible to keep up with, in spite of the short and concise entries required by the 140 letter limit set by Twitter. Information management then becomes an essential part of my day. Knowing what to read is just as important as knowing what not to read. I was recently inspired by a website introduced by Greta Van Susteran that consolidated Tweets. She calls the website “Greta’s Wall”. Having seen that, it challenged me to figure out a way to manage my Twitter account and the deluge of information that gets sent to my box.

I had a few days to work on it and ended up creating something I found to be useful. I created a site much like Greta’s and found a way to consolidate Tweets based on my personal preference. I call it the
“ROBERT’S BRIEFING”. Currently, I have my wall limited to 5 different boxes - that’s about all the time that I could spend on the project at the moment. So far the categories include: ROBERT’S TWEETS, CNBC, FOX NEWS, MOTORSPORTS and AMERICAN LAW.

Some of the people who viewed my new site gave me a glimpse at what the potential might be. Accordingly, I have made plans to create other categories. We are thinking it through and more is certainly on the way. I'm convinced that the quality of the site will only improve as I figure out a way to put this all together. In the coming days or whenever time allows, I will be developing the site to include other influence centers such as:

WALL STREET - from Wall Street firms, personalities and financial news
SILICON VALLEY - from the movers and shakers of Silicon Valley
HOLLYWOOD - from personalities of the entertainment world
THE TITANS - from the Captains of Industry
SPORTS - from the athletes around the world
REPUBLICAN - from candidates and personalities from the right
DEMOCRAT - from candidates and personalities from the left
NATIONAL NEWS - from major papers and consolidators on the web
GOVERNMENT - from our leaders in Washington DC

If you are curious, here are two sites that you can follow for interesting, stimulating and useful Tweets.